
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Had A Bright Idea

I was watching the news last night. About the frenzy surrounding the visit to Memphis, by the dynamic duo. That's what Harold Ford Jr., and Barack Obama are calling themselves these days. It has been rumored that the two don't get along, but they did for the camera. Barack Obama is said to have worked hard, for everything he has. He came up through the ranks, with little or no help from anyone. Harold Ford Jr. is exactly the opposite. His career in politics, has been handed to him on a platter. He won the first time he ran for office, and hasn't been out of office since. He has spent his entire adult life in politics, via the family name. Though the paths have been different. They both have thus far, the same destinations. They just have different ways of getting there. The day of the hard core liberals is over. I think both these young men, represent the future of the Democratic party. A middle of the road conservative view. Claiming to be Democrats, but really being Independent. Obama has tried to straddle the fence , but has been called out. The veteran politicians are aware of their claims, they will keep them honest.

Up until yesterday I had been writing this campaign off. Then I thought about, what was at stake. Why give up a sure thing like the 9th congressional seat, just to play a hunch? The Ford family didn't rise to power , making foolish decisions. As witnessed by his aunt's situation, the family is quite shrewd. My wife said something, that made me give this campaign a second thought. The charisma of the young congressman and Barack Obama, will attract the progressive young female vote. I don't know how many votes that is good for. But I'm sure the Ford camp does. They have their eyes on a particular demographics. One that everyone else is overlooking. This could be a page out of Mayor Herenton's book, he wins Memphis with the 100 Black Women alone. Imagine the impact this would have on a statewide scale. A candidate wielding this power. Would be a force to be reckoned with. That along with the college vote, notice where the rallies were held. The University Of Memphis and New Directions Christian Center. They are clearly breaking away, from the status quo. Those who vote on name recognition alone. They already have that vote secured. They didn't stop at the normal hotspots, or the normal powerbrokers. They were clearly after a different base.

Everybody is focusing on the eastern part of Tennessee, that may not even be a factor. If I am correct in my assumptions. If this movement materializes. It's a sign of things yet to come. It would be a direct challenge, to the present power structure. Which has always been dominated, by predominately White men. This could bring about a significant number of votes. That's the question , how many? Even the vote, of young White females. Not to mention the sisters, especially those who are educated. This race could turn out to be interesting, if this is the hidden agenda.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    That's a thought, I hadn't looked at it like that

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Harold Ford Jr. will never pull it off. He hasn't done anything in Congress. Why would it be any different in the Senate?

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    I see where you are going with your assumption. Harold Jr. chances of winning the Senate seat is an uphill battle, he will not have the progressive female vote.

    The nails that sealed his coffin closed was his vote on the bankruptcy bill and his views on the Iraq war.

  4. Antigone,

    I and many others agree with the Iraq war. I would rather the war be in Iraq, than on American soil. As someone who has been a victim of the lapse bankruptcy laws, I think that needed revamping as well.

  5. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Are you saying that you and many others agree we should have gone to war with Iraq and if so I would like to know why? None of us wants a war on American soil. I believe we are not going to be able to prevent that in the future. We are now at war with terrorists and terrorists come in all shapes and forms they are not only from Arab countries. Think about it...

  6. Antigone,

    I remember 9/11, it was brought to the city of New York. I was watching "Good Morning America" when it happened. I thought it was a clip, or movie promo. I was waiting for Matt or Katy, to give us the rundown. It never happened the attack was real. Nobody wants war, but you can't avoid it either. I bet you are a lady. I can tell by you response. I love you all, but that's why we don't need a woman President.You think if you ignore them, they'll just go away. That's the girly way out. If we weren't in Iraq, terrorist would be over here. They won't go away, they will impose their religion on you. We didn't go after them, they came after us. They expectedd us to do what Clinton did, nothing. Weapons of Mass Destruction were there, they just moved them. Anyway, we have an all volunteer Army. Anyone in there,is there by choice. I think America is too soft. We're the only one playing by the rules. I think we're wasting time. Before we went there, they were ruled by a dictator. Now we moved him out the way, they want to bristle up at us.If it were left up to me,I would let them self destruct.

  7. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Common, Given the choice I agree with you.

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Yes, I am a woman and I will let you get away with the girly thing. I was getting ready for work on 9/11, like you I thought I was seeing things on t.v. until the second plan hit. I did not bother to leave out my house because I work on the Navy Base.

    Yes, I wanted America to strike back at the responsible culprits. If I am not mistaken we are still looking for him and his followers. Bush wanted Sadduem since the failed attempt on his Daddy's life and he used WMD and 9/11 to justify going to war with Iraq.

    Finally, have you ever read a book called, "Behold A Pale Horse" if not I recommend it.

    I guess by now you are probably saying, "she must be into conspiracy theories". To answer that before you ask, Yes.

    You might be say to yourself,"Antigone is a paranoid girly girly", I hope not,but I believe terrorist cells are already here and it is just a matter of time before our back yards be like Iraq and other countries where fighting is happening in their backyards. Hell, Timothy McVeigh was an American. Enough of this I need to catch up on all the writing you been doing.

    Until next time

  9. Anti-gone,

    I hope you come back and read this. This is further proof of what I said about Harold Ford Jr., and his campaign. Explain this latest find:

    What audience do you think this is after?
