
Saturday, February 11, 2006


Are there such things as ghost? I would've said there wasn't, before events of late. Now I'm not so sure. Some people act as though their daily lives are affected continually by the actions of someone who has been dead 129 years. There is a small segment of the Memphis community that feel the (Nathan Bedford Forest) park, is impeding the progress of this city today. Based on the way people feel about this park issue. You can pretty much figure, their position on anything else that arises. I think the mentality behind this way of thinking. Is what holds this community back. How can your thinking be affected by something you know nothing about? Many people weren't even aware of the parks origin, before they were told. Some people view this as a oppurtunity to be heard. Jump on a heavily disputed issue, taking advantage of the free publicity. If that's your motivation. I guess I can't blame you. Get what you can for free. That's the extent of my understanding though. Beyond that is senseless, in my opinion.

The problem is these people won't go away. No matter what comes up, they're there with their usual complaints. Always making a mountain out of a molehill. They carry this park thing around, like it's luggage. Why is it that when some people are proven not to be correct? They want to redirect the focus. It changes from being racial, to being a matter of his wishes. Obviously the majority of citizens weren't concerned with the park issue. The activist Al Sharpton, had a lapse in judgement. He thought it would garner more media attention, than it did. I'm sure he was surprised and disappointed. When he only gathered a crowd, of about 250 people. That's giving them the benefit of the doubt. It may not have even been that many. Some of the people there were for the other side. He said he didn't get paid for speaking. Which I sincerely doubt. He was brought to the city and stayed at the Peabody hotel. That's fair payment for what he did. Even swap no swindle. Somebody footed the bill for him being here. It didn't come out of his pocket. Even with a nationally recognized name, the movement didn't build any steam. To most citizens it's just not that important.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That doesn't entitle you, to belittle someone elses. I have a problem with that type behavior. After a point, it becomes offensive. Usually the people making the accusations. Don't know left from right. Because someone doesn't agree with you. Doesn't make them stupid. In many cases they're not even wrong. It may very well be you. Some things are just a matter of opinion. It would serve us all well, to treat them as such. You can attract more Bees with honey, than you can vinegar. Others could be right, and you're the one that is wrong. If there is such a thing. This is the ghost of ignorance, and disrespect.