
Friday, February 10, 2006

In All You Get, Get Understanding

I wanted to find something befitting of my 100th post. Then I began to think about the time I spend on here. Especially since I started this blog. With the invention, of the internet. There is very little reason, for owners of computers to be uninformed. You can put anything in your search engine, and get feedback. There is so much documentation, it's just a matter of what you're looking for. Just like you can find information that can be helpful. You can just as easily find information that is detrimental. There are always three sides to every story. The right one, the wrong one, and yours. Putting all personal biases aside. Did you come to your conclusion, with an open mind? A simple test I always use, to check behind myself. If you had to omit something, or leave something out. You're not telling the whole truth. It doesn't always make you right, but seldom it allows you to be wrong. It at least gives you a reference point to start from. A way to retrace your steps, find out where you went wrong.

I think the assembly of information, is just as important as the collection. The right information in the wrong hands, is equally as damaging as mistakes. To say it's one thing to be wrong, and know it. And another to be wrong, and not know it. Is true, but they both do the same damage. I always go back and add stories to my post , as I come across them. For my own edification, as well as anyone else. A blog is a personal web log, a place to post your thoughts. Mine has been integral in keeping up, with the things I learn. With so many sources of information, you have to be careful. Make sure the things you read, you understand.


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    This blog is thought provoking. I'm going to start me one.

  2. When you start your own, don't forget to come see me. LOL
