
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Covenant With Black America

I have written my synopsis of the speeches I heard today,on "Covenant With Black America". I watched all day long. This is what I got from the speeches, in the second segment:

We first heard comments from hurricane Katrina survivors, Rochelle Smith and Alvin Seymore. It was more of what, we have already heard. All I can say is,"God Bless You".

Dr.Na'im Akbar- He made a call to action, requiring us to think for ourselves. He received mixed responses from the 99% Black audience. I think he wanted to convey a message, not just invoke a response. He said Blacks don't know what their own issue is, until someone else comes along and tells them. I agree with him, often that is the case.

Harry Belafonte- I will say this about him. He has truly been blessed. He looks good, he is eighty years old. Everybody has had different experiences in life. His which I think, have somehow made him bitter. I think somewhere earlier in his life, he received a wakeup call. He was reminded of the fact, that he was Black. He better be glad he isn't in Austria, he would have been in jail. For some of the statements he has made. I respect him because he is my elder, not his opinions though. I think his approach is outdated and antiquated. Although we all want equality. We don't have to die anymore. There's no fool, like an old fool.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee It was only fair that she be there. I'm not very familiar with her and her positions. Well should I say her politics. It took place in the state of Texas. Where she is a representative. She has to take a stab at the 100,000 evacuees in her state, as a result of Hurricane Katrina. Otherwise she added nothing to the conversation. She reminded me a lot of a local politician where I live. I don't have anything against her, I'm not moved by her either. She will go along with anything, to get re-elected. I don't blame her, she makes over $100,000 a year.

Raymond Brown- He is paid to bring depth to the conversation. He is always careful not to step on anybody's toes. He is an annual guest, and it's apparent.He says enough, to be reinvited every year. I was about to puke, when he suggested that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, could be the first female President. He was clearly seeking brownie points.

representing Mel Watt As the chairman of the Black Congressional Caucus. It would appear that he would have more input in such a forum. Could it be he was afraid that someone would mention the money, that was supposedly raised for the quatrain victims? Why hadn't they received it yet? His speech was ineffective as a whole. Raymond Brown kissed his butt too.

Wade Henderson- Obviously another Davis Smiley fan. Maybe it's the other way around. Davis is a fan of his. If he is so aware strategically, why didn't he tell the whole story. Explain the voting rights act, in it's entirety. So all that hear about it, will understand. He did say one good thing. We need to vote.

Cornell West- He is a highly educated clown, he says what he always does. I think he likes to hear himself talk. He has a well versed way, of saying absolutely nothing. To my surprise he didn't talk much. It was probably due, to time constraints.

Bishop Henry Jackson He is softshoeing the issue. He is still claiming to be a registered Democrat. He supports nothing they represent, but he's still a member of the party. He talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. He doesn't want to offend anyone.

Angela Glover Blackwell She made a lot of good points, I like what she said about holding local politicians accountable. She has the charisma to move a group, but not our problems as a race. I liked her conversation though. She needs to get with the right team. She may already have switched.

AL Sharpton- He said nothing of substance as usual. He is a good storyteller to some, me not included. Everytime we listen to him talk, do we have to get a lesson in history. The time has passed, for all the poetry and rhymes. The Black crowd goes into a frenzy. He knows how to pluck the emotional strings. Him and Jesse Jackson, thank God he wasn't there. Davis held him in check though. He wanted to get carried away. Davis wouldn't let him, he put him on the spot with legitimate questions. I think that's largely why he left early. In my humble opinion. It wouldn't have mattered had he not came.

Kimberle Crenshaw If she was so concerned about White supremacy and it's effects. She should start by removing the extensions, and color from her hair. It's kind of hard to take someone serious, that fit's every stereotype aesthetically. You dislike everything about them, except the way they look.

State Senator Jackie Winters She stressed the importance of diversity. As one of the few admitted conservatives, in the building. She exhibited the true root of the problem. The refusal of Blacks to have an open mind. She seemed to be in awe of Louis Farrakahn. She showed the softer side, of the conservative party. I like that she acknowledged, the most important thing to her is her family. That's a connection between all loving mothers. I was glad she showed up, to present another view. She did exactly what I expected of her. That's usually what happens. When you send a woman, to do a man's job. I guess you can reach them pointing out the likenesses, as opposed to the differences.

Louis Farrakahn He said one thing that was true, "this whole thing is spiritual". Beyond that everything he said, was warped and twisted. He made a mockery of the entire program. As they panned the crowd. I could see the discomfort in many of the faces. There is an apparent attempt, to attach Islam to Christianity. The two are not the same. I think he was disrespectful to Davis Smiley. Taking his moment in the spotlight, to promote the Muslim agenda. He took this opportunity to steal the attention given, to the concerns of Blacks. To pollute the opinions, others already have, or those that are forming.

I was glad Davis spoke up. I think he was aware, the eyes of America were on him. Since it really was to promote his new book, he couldn't go out like that. It was interesting to watch, the other panelist backpedal. They opened the door, but they didn't intend for it to go that far. It made me think of a joke I heard once. I won't tell the whole thing. But here is the punch line "I wouldn't have said that". A lot of those panelist I previously had distaste for, gained some points with me later. Harry Belafonte, Cornell West and Kimberlie Crenshaw backed away, from Farrakahn. They didn't want to be subject to the wrath, I'm sure those comments will bring. It's entertaining to watch the program annually. Though I don't think it changes much. This years show indicates to me, we have a long way still. The conclusion I draw from this, is that the race is not together.


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I'm glad you caught that also. This was nothing more than a rally for Tavis Smiley's book. I agree with most of your assesments. Especially the one about Louis Farrakahn.I don't hate on the brother because he is successsful. I just don't go for the okey doke. Show us something. It's been seven years now.

  2. Anonymous1:25 AM

    You are right about our race and that is our problem.

  3. I have been accused of taking this thing to far. I don't think I am though. Christianity and Islam, have nothing in common. The vertex of our communities problems cannot be found, with a meeting of the two. If we compromise on one thing, something else is bound to follow. Louis Farrakahn wasn't invited to Coretta Scott King's funeral, for a reason. Martin Luther King didn't stand for that.He showed us why, when he spoke at the meeting. I'm glad in the end Tavis didn't either. He made it clear that Farrakahn spoke for himself.

  4. A lot of those people standing and cheering for Farrakahn. Didn't know he was lying until Harry Belafonte and Cornell West straightened it up. He is a liar and a racist.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    You don't speak for all Christians. I enjoyed hearing the Honorable Minister speak.
