
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Emerging Leaders In The Black Community

These are a group of young leaders, all under the age of forty. Many of them popular, many of them not. Based on what I heard them say. They were more interesting and innovative, than the older group that preceded them . They didn't mention political party, or call the Presidents name one time. Instead of them complaining, they offered workable solutions. The egos also weren't as evident as with the older speakers. This is what I thought, of what they had to say:

Dr. Ian Smith- He was very informative and interesting. He is used to the t.v. camera, I've seen him on "Celebrity Fit Club". He is not a preacher, but he could be one if he wanted.

Jim Shelton- Education is the key. Eighty percent of the people, in the criminal justice system. Dropped out of high school. He is backed by the richest man in the world Bill Gates. If for no other reason than that. We should listen to what he has to say.

Kamala Harris- She is a career policeman. Even though she is the San Francisco District Attorney. She talks out of both sides of her mouth. She offers a lot of solutions, but she is part of the problem too. I see this dynamic in our community, all the time. Being correct, and being politically correct are two different things.

Victor Marsh- He is young, and has a lot to learn. I think they just needed someone to fill up the seats. He has some good ideas, but they need to be seasoned. We don't need to reinvent the wheel. That's why I'm not overly excited about the vote or die campaign. He needs to listen, and take heed. To what older people, like Dr. Ian Smith had to say.

Malia Lazu- Sista Girl, she looked a little old to me. Maybe she was just strong spirited. She is from the KRS mold of activism. She spends a lot of time and effort. Trying to bring attention to a time forgotten. In all you get, get understanding. That's the drawback to technology. Many times that doesn't happen. Ditto about the vote or die comment.

Walter Mosley- I'm glad Tavis saved him for last. He compressed the whole three hours, in three short minutes. The first group was good at identifying the problems. They seem to have a firm opinion, that something is wrong. The second group as it were,was adapt at pointing fingers. These are the big guns, the ones who normally lead the charge. Much to my astonishment,then we got to the solutions. Which were offered by the emerging leaders, on stage with him.

Shola Lynch- She was on the right page, personal accountability. We as Black people have a history, it starts with the individual not a group. We can't focus on the past. We have to look at right now.

Eddie Glaude- He was taught by Cornell West, need I say more. He knows how to use fancy words. He is his mentors boss now. At least he was a good student, we know that. Through him the Cornell West legacy will endure. I understand why college professors are the way they are.

Jerome Ringo-He is the first Black to head an environmental organization in America. The nature of environmental concerns, are liberal in their foundation at best. Without that type of attitude, it probably wouldn't exist. I can understand why he feels the way he does. It's the source of his livelihood. We need representation, on both sides of the fence. He has found a niche.

Trish Millines Dziko- I like what she said about the curriculum of our children. We need to make sure, they are learning something productive. If your child is getting excellent grades and never reading a book. You have reason to be concerned. They need to be learning something that will prepare them to farther their education, or get a decent job. One that provides a family living. "Students turn the computers on, parents turn the televisions off".

Rev. Jamaal Harrison-Bryant- He is articulate in his delivery. "We must be liberated, not just saved". I thought he defended the church well, considering it was under attack. He preaches a different type gospel, designed to get the numbers. I always enjoy good preaching, he can certainly do that. I would have to see, what he does with the immature believer. Once he gets them to come. He has a good line, I don't know about the hook.

Based on what I heard the young leaders say today. The future looks promising.


  1. Good Morning Bishop,

    I agree, I've never seen the doctor in that setting. I was impressed though. I am familiar with the Jamaal Bryant, to a degree. My pastor knows him personally. I have heard several of his sermons.

  2. Bishop,

    Somebody else is behind this thing. It will come out in the end. You see where it's centered, out east. Just watch and see. Take the test above "Are you a Republican".

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I enjoyed Mr. Mosley too. At first I thought he was an old white man.

  4. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I voted for the Rev. Jamaal Bryant,I've been to Empowerment Temple in Baltimore.
