
Saturday, February 18, 2006

One Month Isn't Enough, Or Is It ?

The complaint has always been that Black History month, was the shortest month of the year. Since that is true, there shouldn't be enough time. To cover all the events, that should be planned. The event planner should be running over. For some reason this year, has been quieter than usual. I almost forgot it was Black History month. That may be more of an indictment of me, than of Black History month itself. That may be the case, but I don't think it is. I think it has more to do, with less attention from Blacks. The recent deaths of Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King, drained the emotions of the Black community. The atmosphere isn't as hyped as usual. People aren't in the mood to get excited about issues of race. It shouldn't be a time for politics anyway. Unfortunately there are those, that have switched the focus. The normal mouthpieces haven't made much noise. There isn't much vigor left for the month of February. The celebrations have been low key, to say the least. Did the importance of past achievements, somehow disappear lately? I don't think they have, just looked at differently. If something is important, it's not just important for one month. It makes an impact all the time, year round. Not just one month a year, as Black History month would suggest. To single Black achievements out, make them less credible in the eyes of some. Why is it so important to have others, as excited about your contributions as you are? You can't count on others always for encouragement. At some point you have to be your own support, stand on your own two feet. Do we have a Jewish History month, or a Asian History month? For that matter a Hispanic History Month, whatever your nationality. I'm sure you wouldn't mind a whole month being set aside, to recognize your accomplishments. Everyone else keeps the legacy alive within themselves. The Civil Rights movement was unique for Blacks. It blazed the path for equality in America for everyone. There was a need for legislation at one time in history. That need no longer exists. Society today in this country, has progressed beyond that point. It's not perfect, but it's closer than anything else. There is no way you can encompass the Black experience in one month out of the year. Having said that, none of the other races can do it either. All of our pieces make a complete. In the present state of America, all things considered. In my opinion, one month is enough.


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Now that you mention it, it is kinda drab.

  2. It's just like all the other special times and days, it's not like it used to be back in the day. Is it a sign of the times?

  3. Anonymous 3:58,

    I love what you said. I'm glad someone said it other than me.
