
Saturday, February 18, 2006

What Is Racism ?

Since this subject always comes up. I thought we should invest some time, on really getting to the bottom of the issue. We use the word sparingly, not really knowing what it means. I never hear Whites use the word, in general conversation. I see it's affects, in some of their behaviors. They automatically take sides based on color, not principals. That doesn't automatically make them racist though. Just looking out for those, that look like themselves. Just like the Blacks, self preservation rules. Black people seem to do it by habit. It's always convenient, to play the race card. When nothing else works. Blame it on racism. That bothers me somewhat. Before we take this farther let's get to the root of what the word means.

Main Entry: racĂ‚·ism
Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
Function: noun
Date: 1936
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Let me explain where my ideas come from. Like the definition says it's not exclusive to any particular race of people. It's a way of thinking, or a mindset. I think everyone has a degree of prejudice in them. In my opinion that's healthy, afterall we're not perfect. I would consider a skinhead racist. I reserve the same opinion, for many Black Muslims. If you believe thatsomeone'ss color automatically makes them superior, you are one who perpetuates racism. As a society we must be careful that we don't have different rules, for different people. That's what you call discrimination. No one gets a pass, regardless of race. So what happened to your foreparents, doesn't excuse you from your responsibilities now. Neither does it entitle you to anything, that wasn't left for you. In America we have capitalism, no one is denied the right to participate. You come up with an idea, you can get paid. I talk about finances, because that's usually what it revolves around. I don't think people would be concerned with race. If they didn't think someone else of another color, had something they should've had. When you take all things into consideration. You must come to the conclusion, it's tough but it's fair.


  1. Anonymous 12:38,

    Thanks for the perspective. I largely agree, with everthing you said. I'm not a young white female either.
