
Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Recall, Republicans And Terry Roland

Memphis is going through a hijacking, of the present administration. All of a sudden everything, is being observed under close scrutiny. I would like nothing better than the citizens of Memphis, to have a change of mindset. I want that change to come about for the right reasons though. I don't want the people of Memphis to be tricked. Only after it's too late, to reverse the damage. Traditionally Democrat voters, are siding with Republicans. I want the process to be fair also. I want to revamp from bottom to top, not just certain spots. This is jut my observation. Putting together what I think and what I know. Leads me to these educated opinions, as to why this is taking place. Memphis the beautiful and progressive city that it is, has one of the most recognizable race problems anywhere. I think all of this is fueled by racial motives, on both sides. Same desires for different reasons.

First lets look at the recall petition. I think it's a waste of time. As far as really making a change, in the city's financial outlook. I don't think it will be successful. That remains to be seen. I do find it interesting, that most of the people behind this recall are caucasian. Not to mention the fact, that they don't live in Memphis anyway. Why are they so concerned, with the plight of Memphis? Are they going to move back to town, if the Herenton is removed? I'm not biggoted, but I recognize it when I see it. It's kind of like people supporting an admitted klansman. They're not a member themselves, but they don't speak against it either. They applaud their actions secretly. Those type people, and the following type have joined forces. Some people want position so bad, they're willing to do anything. They'll side with the devil, to pull someone else down. Envy and jealousy, are terrible things.

You might wonder how Republicans, fit into this picture. I'm sure their ultimate goal is power in the senate. Though they are right about many things. They have some faults too. They will take the seat without shame. It just makes the party more powerful overall. I don't think the local chapter took part in the undehanded tactics, that have been used. But if it comes down to a fight, they are going to stick together. To figure out a way to win in a part of the state, that is predominately Black and Democrat. Would be an unprecedented accomplishment. They are looking for inroads here, but I don't think this is the path they should take. They may gain a sudden burst power. But it will create a bitter taste, that will be lasting. That may stir up the voters.

Finally we get to Terry Roland. He fell short of the one oppurtunity, to win the district 29 senate seat. If they held the election over today. He would lose by a landslide. This has never been about him winning with the most votes. This is about challenging the process. Judge Bernice Donald created a major obstacle, no one foreseen. It was brilliant in it's design. In terms of making this senate vote balanced. Whatever the senate does now, it becomes standard practice in all elections. They may not be willing to change things all over the state. Simply to win one senate race. Every race in the future, that was lost. Would be subject to extensive challenges.

Democracy dictates that majority rule. Whatever the majority wants, the majority gets. If things are done fairly, and in order. All the above mentioned instances, is an effort to circumvent the wishes of the voters. This is a prime example, of the pidgeons coming home to roost. The Democrats cried foul in 2000, in the presidential election. When a system doesn't work in your favor, you want to change it. With no regard for its fairness. The same thing you tried to use against others, is being used against you now.

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