
Saturday, February 04, 2006

Is The Charter Being Old, A Reason To Recall The Mayor ?

I am really being facetious here. I don't know that this scenario actually took place. I imagined this idea came up, in a smoky back room somewhere. While smoking and drinking whiskey. There might have been some illegal poker machines there, so they were probably gambling too. Somebody came up with the idea, to recall the mayor. The other drinker said "I think we can pull it off". Thus the birth of " Operation Fedup". I think my scenario is as valid, as the reasoning behind the recall. They have their right to a recall, but I have my right to disagree.

When the charter was written 113 years ago. The writers didn't expect, the political atmosphere we have today. On second thought, maybe inadvertantly they did. This just may be a case of what was meant for bad, turned out for good. Even if this recall is successful, it will only be symbolic. There is no way possible, for anybody to turn this thing around. In such a short period of time. I don't agree with everything the mayor does. I don't disagree with everything he does either. I think Mayor Herenton is a victim of the same mentality, as President Bush. There is a difference between those who honestly seek solutions,and those who find something wrong with everything. I think this is a case of the latter. If you really want to replace the mayor, this time would be better spent preparing a candidate. I saw a news interview conducted with Thaddeus Matthews, the one who initiated the drive. The reason he gave for the recall of the mayor is" because the charter allows it". That's not a reason, that's an excuse. For following through on something, that doesn't make sense.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    You state: "There is no way possible, for anybody to turn this thing around. In such a short period of time."

    What do you propose, just let Herenton continue putting the city in a more and more precarious state? No, things can't be turned around in a year but more damage can be prevented. Someone needs to start somewhere and sometime - the time is now. Memphis needs new leadership - about 5 years ago.

  2. Well Buddy,

    I propose that if you are dissatisfied with the mayor. Start preparing a candidate,for the next election.Anything the mayor has done,he has done with the help of the city council. If you remove him Tajuan Stout-Mitchell will take his place. If they don't replace him. The mayors cheif executive officer,Keith McGee will take over.That sounds like business as usual to me. If we needed new leadership five years ago. We had the chance to vote him out of office.

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I don't agree with the recall either. It might not get a chance to materialize, he might be in jail.

  4. Tony,
    Not from the looks of things. It appeared to be hype.
