
Friday, February 03, 2006

What Would You Have Done ?

I have been watching to see what the public feels, in regards to a local associate minister's (Leon Stevenson) actions. He used 'Pepper Spray' to break up an unruly crowd, of children. I am referring to the incident that took place on Wednesday night, after a bible study at "Memphis Inner City Church". The fight started in the church, and spilled over into the bus ride home. Someone's child was being attacked, and could have easily been hurt. If he hadn't done anything, what would the parents say then? No matter what you do, someone is going to be unhappy. You can only deal with the situation before you. Hindsight vision is 20/20, it's easy to say what we would have done.

The parents came out as usual, on behalf of the bad children. Where were they, when all this stuff was happening? Based on the behavior of the parents I've seen so far. They needed to be, at the bible study too. The twenty three people affected, ranged in ages from 5-15. You don't send a five year old unattended anywhere. Unless you're using the church as a babysitter. The parent needs to go to church with the children. One of the people treated was 30 yrs. old. I hope they weren't physically involved, if they weren't trying to break it up. I don't know their involvement, the paper doesn't say. Without having any more information, I know this. If they weren't part of the solution. They were part of the problem. I'm sure minister Stevenson, didn't just walk around, and spray everyone on the bus. The only ones that got sprayed, should've been those that were in the way. The spray was used to stop a fight remember. If your child wasn't the one being attacked, or the one provoking the action. They should have been getting out of the way. Had even most of the parents been doing their job. We wouldn't even be having this discussion. The guilty children would have had more respect. This wouldn't have happened to begin with.

Last I heard, they were questioning the ministers background. What does his past have to do with, whether or not he was right this time? For someone to challenge why he was driving the bus is ludicrous. He was never accused, with any crime towards children. We have police and politicians, with records much worse than his. He may very well be the only male adult figure, many of these children know. I haven't seen a father, in the picture yet. I just hope the voices of the parents I've heard, are in the minority. Let's hope this is a case, of the emptiest wagon making the most noise. This is kind of like the accident on the bus. Everyone got hurt, whether they did or not. Some see this as a gift horse, they won't look it in the mouth. When and if they find out this won't be profitable, and I hope they do. Let's see how concerned they are then. I understand the parents being concerned, that's their job. All things considered, I would have done the same thing. If it had been left up to you, what would you have done?


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    I would have done the same thing.

  2. Mzconservative,

    Follow a ignorant child home, see who answers the door.
