
Monday, March 27, 2006

All Publicity, Is Not Good Publicity

People are quick to say this when their mouth has written a check that their behind can't cash. If you don't believe me, ask radio talk show host Jennings Bernard. I have heard him say it several times in casual conversation. He customarily voted out of his district. He didn't actually say it in those exact words. He wouldn't be that stupid I hope. But anyone with average intelligence could figure it out. I for one know where he lives though. It really wouldn't be that hard to find out, for anyone with internet access. I didn't think he was aware of what he was doing though. I knew it would eventually blow up in his face. He underestimated the power of the Election Commission and he has to pay. As a result of his own admission, he now faces felony charges.

He should have learned his lesson by now. He should avoid anything Thaddeus Matthews is involved with. He has lost two radio spots, and a organization he helped form. All at the hands of his troubles with this individual. He has taken on the Ophelia Ford voter fraud trial and the proposed recall of Mayor W.W. Herenton. Any success this action if any it obtains, will be a feather in Mr. Matthews hat not Jennings. When I heard Mr. Matthews calling his show. I knew it was just a matter of time before trouble would follow. It looks like if nothing else. Mr. Bernard will get some legal expenses out of this. If he had it to do over. I'm sure he would keep his comments to himself. Because he now knows all publicity, is not good publicity.


  1. Anti-T,

    He probably will learn a lesson,but it might be too late.

  2. Bishop,

    The recall has been pretty quiet lately. What's going on?

  3. Bishop,

    I talked with someone yesterday who is in the know about the recall. They didn't tell me how many signatures they had. I could tell by their level of excitement. They weren't to thrilled with the numbers. They have concluded they will only send a message. In my opinion the message has no teeth.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The recall is going strong. Instead of throwing rocks, gather signatures.

  5. Anon 1:03,

    You're not likely to find any volunteers here. Even those that support the recall. Don't support the organizer. Unlike you they realize, you can't separate the two.

    BTW: I know you probably won't answer. But how many signatures do you have?

  6. I saw Jennings Bernard give the weakest excuse for breaking the law, I ever heard. He said eveyone else is doing it, why not him? That's a lame excuse for anyone, especially a preacher. He was a pastor of a church in Jackson TN., for 29 years. If everyone else jumped off a roof. Would you do that too? This man enforces the law for a living. Surely he knows right from wrong. He's not the only one that's true. They have to start somewhere. Why not with him?

  7. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I listened for his explanation too. He is talking about everything else but that.He says he isn't worried.
