
Monday, March 27, 2006

The Controversy Hasn't Died

This Friday will be the one year anniversary of Terri Shiavo's death. This time a year ago, the country was divided on this issue. Unfortunately we didn't have the benefit of hearing what she had to say. I think she was a victim of a urinating contest, between her husband and her parents. She was a pawn in their chess game. Anybody would die after a period of time, if you stopped feeding them. Ms. Shiavo didn't eat for thirteen days. That's a long time for anyone. Most of us wouldn't last a whole day, we would be barely alive. It's not like they removed her from life support. She was only being fed through a feeding tube. They just removed it all of a sudden. I felt that was cruel. That was her means of nourishment. Many would argue about her quality of life, but is it our call? If all we had to do was feed her. I think it was an injustice, to starve her to death.

Both her husband and parents, have written a book coming out this week. They have conflicting stories of what happened in Terri's last days. I'm not sure either side is completely genuine in their motivations. They both seem more than willing to capitalize off her death. It's not like Michael was sitting around twiddling his thumbs. He has remarried and has two children, by his new wife. Needless to say this relationship didn't just start. Her parents have lived their lives already. If by chance they've fallen short somewhere. They can't live vicariously through her. The only thing this question has done, was raise more questions. Anything that we don't know by now, we probably never will. The only one who knows is Terri Shiavo. She can't tell us anything, she is no longer in our company.


  1. Anti-T,

    I didn't get to see the interview on Dateline, but I agree with what you said. I had that feeling about him all the time. I was one of the ones against Micheal Shiavo. When this whole thing was in the news.The only issue I have with the parents is, sometimes you have to let it alone. If her well being was really your only concern. She is dead and buried. Leave her husband alone. See that's where the fork in the road arises. There wasn't any insurance money left. It was all spent on her care. That's what I think happened. She was no longer profitable to anyone. The lawsuit money was gone, insurance had paid off. It ended with them making it more about them, than her.
