
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Esa Rules!!!

It seems that a war is brewing for dominance of the gang world. The problem with this is, it's taking place amidst the civilized citizens. We have become virtual captives, in our own homes. Elderly and honest hardworking people, are having their lives disrupted by these criminals. Not to mention the assault that's taking place on our children. They can't even go to school, without being aggressively recruited. Why would anyone strive to be at the top of this heap anyway? Even if you are the top dog, you're still just a fugitive. This lifestyle leads to one of three different places. Either you get killed and go to an early grave. The other alternative is you end up in jail, or get crippled. Lastly you make it through, only to realize the time and effort you've spent. Is all just been a waste of time. I can't think of an old gangmember. That's still out there gangbanging.

Last year the prisons in California, had a major riot between the Blacks and Hispanics. People were killed and maimed, for the sake of turf. Who cares about turf in prison? That's probably the only real estate in the world, not worth possessing the deed. Unless of course you have stock, in a private prison facility. The focus should be to get out, and stay from behind bars. The two most oppressed races in America, are fighting for the most oppressive spot. Top dog in our nations prisons. Isn't a position of envy.

The Blacks could very well be missing the boat again. The fact that they are no longer the majority minority, isn't catching hold. Just as the demographics are changing in the community, they're changing in the prisons too.The days of Black inmates dominating the prison system, could be at it's end. I heard a Hispanic gangmember say something that stuck in my mind. As this discussion progresses it becomes more relevant. He said the Black gangs of L.A.county, didn't want to stir up the Hispanics. If it came down to a race war between the gangs,"Esa rules". As I look around I'm not so sure he's not telling the truth. I just think that it's unfortunate for society, that this would even be a question.


  1. Antigone,

    That's the rush to contain the borders. I don't know how true it is, but the claim is 3 out of 4 Hispanics are illegal. If that's the case, we're already in trouble. That's why I support the Presidents plan to a degree. There are to many already here, to just throw them out.
