
Monday, March 20, 2006

A Solution For Gangs

Gangs have become a menacing problem, all over the country. The days are gone when it's just a big inner-city problem. The Meth epidemic, has taken it to rural America. Now they have gangs in the Ozarks, who would've ever imagined? The city of Memphis has long been considered a big country town. If this is the price of progress, keep it to yourself. I would rather do without. Taking a wild guess. I would venture to say 50% of this city's crime, is Gang related. If we don't do something soon, they're going to take the city over. Fortunately it hasn't grown to the proportions, of places like Little Rock Arkansas. That city has become a modern day, wild west of sorts. Gang activity and gunfire, are an everyday occurrence. The county coroner, and the local mortician are the busiest people in the city. I can't help but wonder, everytime I see these youngsters. What creates the mindset of someone, who doesn't mind dying. Not to mention taking someone else's life. When life is reduced to a color, we are in trouble.

Desperate times, require desperate measures. It's time out for respecting civil rights. We are way beyond a balanced approach here. I was at a funeral this past Saturday, for a gangmember that was killed. The young hoodlums were throwing up hand signs, inside the church. They're getting younger and younger, youth is an asset. They're recruiting them now, at seven and eight years old. A teenager can be tried as an adult. So their usefulness is shortlived. By the time they reach the age of thirteen, they're a seasoned criminal. Familiar with the system, aware of the ins and outs. The judicial system has to get on the Gangs level. We have a form of terrorism taking place right here on our soil. The best way to remove a cancer, is to cut it out. Which brings me to my proposed solution.

What I suggest is a no tolerance policy. Any sign of gang involvement, should be dealt with aggressively. A tattoo that indicates your affiliation. Wearing colors and apparel, that have hints of association. That should be reason for arrest and questioning. A Gangmembers life should be uncomfortable, even if he's only suspected. Discourage this ignorance, before it gets started.


  1. Bishop,

    Everything you say is true. We can't just sit idly by on our thumbs though. We have to pray for our actions, and apply them liberally and patiently. Not just the kids, our community is at stake.

  2. Anti-T,

    You're right the police aren't doing all they can.
