
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

If You Think Prison Is A Nice Place

You my friends, are in for a rude awakening. If you have any idea, other than what you're about to see here. Many people have this glamorized view, of prison life. Especially our impressionable, needy and misguided children. They think it's just hanging out with the homies, playing dominoes. Lifting weights and getting buffed. It's merely a cheap imitation of the freedom, they already have. If it was such a nice place to be, why is there the constant battle for control? Even if you run your block, you still reside in a '6x10'. You have a designated time to bath, a time to eat. You have a time to turn the lights out, and a time to go to sleep.

I noticed the young men nowadays, like to wear their hair in braids. I don't wear mine like that, but to each his own. I do have this observation though. I don't think these young men, I see around here. Are sitting between some other guys knees, to get their hair braided. Who do you think the prisoners use? They use other guys. They use other guys for everything, they normally rely on women for. Just use your imagination. To get an idea of the violence. Which I can't begin to describe. Click on the link below:


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    That's hard video there. I hope the ones who need to see it, but they probably won't.

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I watched the whole thing anti-tandbush,it is gruesome.I knew prison was like that.At least I heard.

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM


    I agree with Anti-tanbush on this one. Back in the day Scared Straight worked wonders for some young people on the wrong path.

    On a personal note, I have a sister who has two sons that want to be criminals. It baffles me on why they are choosing the thug life. Her oldest son who will be 23 this year had more chances than I can count to turn his life around. The system tried to work with him. He was given a final chance recently to do the right thing by being place in a half way house. All he had to do was get his GED, go to job training, and return at the time he was told to be back. Unfortunately, he ran off from the half way house having 45 days left to complete it. Now, when they catch him he will have four years in prison. I know he is going to end up being someone girlfriend or he may commit suicide because he is not the bad ass he think he is. Her 14-year-old son came straight out and said he wants to be a thug and he is on track to be jailed or dead.

    I have asked both of them WHY they want that kind of life. Well, you know the answer to that one they did not know why. We have been very candid on what their future will be, but it does not faze them. I believe the glamorization of the thug life that is instilled in their minds from Gangsta Rap music and videos hold some responsibility.

  4. Anti-gone,

    Last week we had a funeral service for a slain 17yr. old gangmember. The other youngsters seemed to be unfazed by the death of their friend. They were throwing up gang signs at the church. That lifestyle leads to one or two places. Either dead or in jail. Don't let me forget crippled, that happens too.Another type of prison in itself. Usually a life sentence. I just don't understand how a child, would choose death over life.
