
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

In Case We Forgot

When I hear people speak out against the war in Iraq, I understand their discontent. What I don't understand, is their refusal to accept what is real. I know no one could have seen what I saw, and not feel a little sense of urgency at least. America needed to do something, even though some feel like it was wrong. Personally I agree with the position we took, though it's unpopular. Some would have you think, this whole thing was planned by someone. Like we have some villanous superpower running the country. The only thing I would have done differently, is not be so accomodating to the enemy. Hindsight is 20/20, we all have suggestions after the fact. In all our infinite wisdom, no one has come up with a better suggestion yet. Take a look at the link below in case you need a reminder:


  1. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I hadn't seen this news footage before.At least not to this degree.It's like a wakeup call.

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM


    I accept 9/11 was real and we had to do something about it. Our disagreement come to play on who we attacked. We did not go after the true culprits. As time go on I believe you will see my point of view on this one.

  3. Antigone,

    The true culprit is terrorism, where ever it abounds.
