
Monday, March 13, 2006

Is America Ready For A Female President ? *

I am not anti-female or anything like that, but I am all man. I think the female was Gods ultimate gift to male. I know mine is to me. I can imagine how Adam must have felt. When God gave him Eve. Just like woman took the lead then, they want to take it now. Look what happened way back then. The latest buzz in political circles, is due to Sen. Hillary Clinton. On the minds of many voters, is whether or not she could be elected President of the United States. There is speculation that she might receive the Democratic nomination. Right now she is the frontrunner. That momentum isn't likely to change anytime soon. She is predicted to win re-election to her Senate seat in New York. Without much of a problem, or opposition. Liberal voters were so smitten with her husband President Bill Clinton. They can't seem to get enough. His popularity has transcended over to his wife.The legacy he has left behind, to those not so impressed with him. Is due largely to his own inappropriate actions. Some people hold that against her, as his wife. We have seen all of Hillary Clinton in the White House, that we need to see. As the wife of President Bill Clinton, we've had enough. That should be the extent of the Clinton influence in the White House. They are still married, they should be as one. If we have removed her husband, she shouldn't take his place. As the wife of a former President, she definitely has a place. I know this sounds chauvinistic, but it's true. According to her own words. If she remains Mrs. Clinton, she should be standing by her man.

It has nothing to do with a person being qualified. Condoleeza Rice has one of the most impressive resumes, of any possible candidate. When it comes to understanding worldly affairs and government. She has a knowledge rivaled by few if any. Ms. Rice is one of the smartest people on earth, male or female. She speaks several different languages fluently. There are people who have tried to draft her for the position. Though she has repeatedly turned it down. She is so immanently qualified. They would like for her to seek the Republican party nomination. I wouldn't support Ms. Rice for President either, as much as I like her. I would support her ahead of Sen. Hillary Clinton though. Unfortunately Ms. Rice has two things working against her. She is a female and a minority as well. If America was ready to elect a woman. They still wouldn't elect a Black.

We are a open society, but not as much as some may think. The same America that wouldn't sit idly by, and allow gay marriage. Won't allow a female in the oval office either. The Islamic population in the Middle East are watering at the mouth. They wish we would elect a female President. You think we have trouble with terrorism now, then it would really be something. When polled New Yorkers said even though they would almost unanimously support Hillary Clinton for Senator. Only less than one third would vote for her for President. I think that would pretty much resemble the mindset of the whole country. As the best country in the world, why are we so anxious to do what others are doing. Just because other countries have done it, do we need to follow suit? On a personal note, my mother used to say. "If someone jumped of the side of a building, would you jump too"? Is America ready for a female President? I don't think we are.


  1. Was this pic meant to show how Rice looks so much like Michael Jackson? Eerie.

  2. It was the closest picture I saw that best resembled how she looks now. I like her new hairstyle. It looks like an oil painting.

  3. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I think we are. We might find out before it's over.

  4. Based on the comments on this site we are. Behind the curtains, I don't think we will. Remember the Presidential election? You couldn't find ten people, that would openly admit they supported George W. Bush. Especially in the Black community. Yet he won by the largest margin ever.

  5. Bishop,

    I was accused of making vulgar statements, and attacking him verbally. So in the future my comments would be deleted. I started making copies of my post to show what I wrote. Then I was accused of promoting my Blog. Even though there are many others including yourself. He focused on mine. All I did was ask questions, he has never answered. I stopped wasting my time. The people that agree with him are racist or stupid. They don't want to know the truth. I hadn't been there in a while. I think if we just ignore them. This recall thing will disappear.

    Matthew 7:6
    Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

  6. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I wouldn't vote for a woman forn president. I like Hillary, but that's not a job for a woman. I don't care for Condi. She would do as she was told.

  7. Anonymous11:38 PM

    This country will not vote for a woman president. As a woman you did not sound chauvinistic. If more women understood their role when it come to their man we wouldn't have a high divorce rate or domestic abuse in this country. Let me explain that before I am berated by the female readers. I do not mean lose your identity, but standing by your man is being supportive, respectful, and loving to his need and he will be the same with you. I say this because I am living it and I LOVE IT.

  8. Antigone,

    I think I know who you are now. You agree with me on spiritual matters, but we differ politically. I'm glad I didn't offend you. On this subject,I believe we are correct.

  9. Anonymous2:39 PM


    Your husband is lucky man. If you walk the walk, and not just talk the talk.

  10. Anonymous6:00 AM

    We don't need a woman as President. After George Bush though, the American People might do anything.

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I don't think we need a female in office. I wouldn't vote for a woman.
