
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Straight From Dewey's Mouth


Today the radio talkshow "Realtalk" stumbled on something that was actually newsworthy. The show "Realtalk" is a local broadcast, that mainly deals with the mindset of some of our backwards thinking citizens. Fortunately they just make up a small number of Memphians. In my opinion there are still too many out there. I think most of them call or listen to this show. Jennings Bernard had a guest that had something relevant to say, for a change. Usually it's just an hour of his one-sided views, and those that agree with him. Except for the occasional unbiased caller like Otis and myself. Dewey Clark the former executive assistant to the former Atlanta Mayor Bill Campbell, agreed to do a interview. Opponents of Mayor Willie Herenton have built a federal case(no pun intended), around the exchange of $9000. Willie Herenton besides being the Mayor of Memphis, is a millionaire. Why would he put all this on the line for a mere $9000? Only someone with limited knowledge of finance would come to this shortsighted conclusion.

Mr. Clark stated that he has repeatedly tried to give the local media the true story. Since it didn't indict the mayor, they didn't want to hear what he had to say. Much to my dismay he repeatedly mentioned my favorite local newsource, WREC Channel 3 News. After thinking about it, I guess that's a good thing though. They didn't lie just to make a story, as obviously they could have done. After hearing what Mr. Clark had to say about the mayor. I can see why no one televised his statement. Jennings Bernard claimed he changed his story. In their original conversation he understood him to say, that money changed hands. His point of argument seemed to change, after Mr. Clark gave his interview. I'm not surprised he didn't understand what Mr. Clark said. He usually gets the cow by the tail. I listened to what he had to say, and I perfectly understood everything he said. He plainly stated Mayor Willie Herenton never received a bribe from him. The reason Mayor Herenton was implicated to begin with, was due to Mayor Campbell and his attorneys trying to divert attention. Mr. Clark testified that he accepted bribes for Mayor Bill Campbell who was the one on trial anyway. He repeated several times that he didn't think Mayor Willie Herenton was that kind of man. Mr. Clark has never changed his statements. He gave as a site on the internet, everyone can go to and find the documentation. You can also retrieve the transcripts of the actual trial. You can't be more accurate than that.

In all fairness, you must admit the money did change hands. If the IRS doesn't file charges, the mayor must be clean. If someone just gave you $9000, wouldn't you take the cash? I think the money was given in exchange for favors. That doesn't mean the favors were granted. Had the mayor been crooked, that would just have been a drop in the bucket. Mayor Herenton has always maintained, at the first sign of impropriety in the relationship he backed out. When you discover someone isn't going to go along with the game, do you ask for your money back? That would be like an admission of guilt, by the one who gave the money.Dewey Clark is just being a standup guy, not being a snitch so to speak. They went after Mayor Willie Herenton, he just didn't take the bait.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    common.........dont you know that money is the root of all evil?? i see where youre trying to go with this. but let me interject for a moment...greed is greed, no matter if you are a millionare or dirt poor. so stop using that as a defense for pretty willie. remember ten waltz, who would have imagined that elected officials would have risked their careers for a mere pentence, of 1500.00. pretty willie took the money and spent that "chomp change" on a woman. i give it my guarenteed seal of spots. there is too much of changing me, like my aunt always says, you cant hide being pregnant, eventually time will tell. holla back

  2. Ladybug,

    How are you, I missed your opposing view. It provides interesting conversation. I understand where you are trying to go, but it's the wrong direction. Being a millionaire makes a world of difference. You could get the majority of these clowns with $900. Don't bring up the Tennessee Waltz. The mayor wasn't involved. His name hasn't even been mentioned. Though I'm sure he could have, if he had wanted. All those crooks that took the money, some even on camera. They got caught trying to get some of what he already has. Your logic is flawed as usual. You were wrong from the beginning. This is what the bible says:

    1 Timothy 6:10
    For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

  3. I know some of those clowns that tried to dispute what Mr. Clark said, are reading this blog. They won't say or post anything, because they'll be uncovered too. Some of the people against the mayor need to get a life. Not to mention those who really need a job. Regardless what Sharpton would have you think. Agitation and activism, are not occupations.

  4. Anonymous2:15 PM

    common.......being a millionare, aint about squat, especially if you have all of your assets tied up. money is money, greed is greed. that is why "rich" people go to jail everyday. that all mighty dollar is addictive!!! especially if you stir power in the pot. ever get money and power....everybody respects you. i dont think it Sreally respect...more like fear.
    pretty willie, has the power to grant favors, in turn he uses those favors to control certain cronies and keep them in check.

    antithad and bishop...need to leave me alone, im serious......or im gonna have to show them whats up under my pretty little polka dotted wings, enough said on that. attacking me is only fueling my fire.

    so what anyway, if i dont have to work. if my husband doesnt want me to work, then dont worry about it. ok. im not knocking on your door asking for my bills to be paid.

    common, think back for a moment, about marion berry, the mayor of dc. which is demographly a hugely black town. marion, did the same thing that pretty willie is doin. the entire city was divided,along race. the population of dc increases by 65% everyday. the city of dc, was mostly ghetto. berry was eventually found guilty, and admitted to smoking crack. his wife left him, he went to jail, after being released this fool was elected to mayor again, by ignorant black folk. the city only thrived when marion was gone. his is back in trouble again with the government!!!
    initially, when everything was being exposed....marion denied everything, hell he even had jesse jackson to come to town and held a rally.

    now, who paid the ultimate price??? the city of dc, which is majority black. when the day, which is surely coming......pretty willie is gonna pay, oh yes he is. remember, secrets are hard to keep.....folk in memphis are gonna think the sky is falling.

    this may be your blog, but i got the gump to tell you.....YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!! PRETTY WILLIE AND HIS CRONIES ARE OUTTA HERE. common, take that thread out of your mouth and jump out of pretty willies back pocket.

    to see where you stand with pretty willie, call gayle at 481-0993 and tell her u wanna talk with pretty willie, he aint studying you or your two sidekicks(bishop and antithad) holla BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKKKKK

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    bishop.......i know that a man aint supposed to cry....but, when the truth comes out about your boy, pretty gonna cry a river. i have no quarrels with corrupt politicians or pastors, being exposed for what they really are. tell me why you are trusting this man, to invest your hard earned taxes so much????
    i honestly want to know what your relationship is with you attend mt. vernon church???
    i really want to help you see the light. brah, cause you sure are sitting in the dark.......bishop....come to the light........

  6. Anonymous3:39 PM here on invitation from commom. if he has a problem with me, only he can ask me to leave! comprendo. what are you drinking to actually think that you are the only person that has an opinion? you have yours and this ladybug has hers.....why does mine have to be wrong, just because i disagree with you?? i hope that you dont use these same instincts on your job, especially if your in a management position. im not trying to be smart, im being honest. there is more than one way of thinking bishop, you seem really old school. hell, aint nothing wrong with that. but, brother you cant be serious, when you say you dont see of the things that pretty willie has done!!!!! we gotta stop thinking like this is the '60's, we as black folk are toooooo forgiving and it is costing us majorly!!!!!

    we look sooooo good nationally, dont you think??? we finally got us an african american mayor and look at the accounting books!!!! pretty willie should have stepped down after his second term. during his 2 initial terms he was awesome.....but after that, his arrogance has cost memphis dearly. and city mismanagment shows it. pretty willie, gotta learn.....he cant run memphis like its the gay hawk. no offense to the gay hawk, i know pretty willie a lot better than you know.

  7. Anonymous3:42 PM

    anti thad......uuugggghhhhhh....showing whats under my pretty little polka dotted wings is for people who really piss me off.........not meant to be sexual. that aint even my any of my posts.

  8. Ladybug,

    That very attitude puts you on the wrong side of the majority. This is a major city. Most of us go about our daily lives, without seeking the assistance of the mayor. You and all these protestors want something directly from Mayor Herenton. Most of you want either a job or position, you didn't get. Now you got sour grapes, or a bad resume. All I want him to do is manage the city. I don't agree with all his decisions. I do most of them though. In my opinion he has done a good job. Contrary to what you say, I've met the mayor. He said he recognized my voice. So he knows me as well as I know him personally. I can understand older whites being mad, they remember the "Peoples Convention". I understand them but I don't agree. I see the same people that were used to get him in office. Being used to try and take him out.

  9. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Hi Common:

    First let me apologize for posting about something other than what you are talking about here, but you never replied back during our debate in February. You respectfully referred me as a girly-girl. I am all woman with an opinion on what is going on in our city, state, and federal government. I am posting on this post in reference to 3-15-06 commentary on the crab syndrome.

    I read "Willie Lynch" a long time ago and I find it factual. Because the majority of Blacks today behave in that manner.

    I respect both sides of the recall of Mayor Herenton. I have already given you my position how I felt about that on a previous post.

    Presently, WE (Blacks, Whites, Latinos, and all others need to be more concerned about what is happening in government on a federal level. We disagreed about the Iraq war, but the same thing is about to happen in Iran. Why? Iraq, Iran, Venezula want to trade oil for Euros instead of American dollars. Iran made that change in March-LOOK AT THE PRICE OF GAS NOW. It is only going to get worse. I will stop now because I know we will be having a debate about this once what is really going on start to heat up. I know you will talk about it and I look forward to it.

    Finally, Ladybug you are holding your own from the attacks you receive on TM site. I prefer serious debate instead of the foolishness that go on over there. It is going to be interesting to see which side win between you and Bishop.

  10. Hi Antigone,

    Where have you been? I can't imagine not responding back to you. Even if to admit I was wrong about something. Whatever it was, I don't remember. I'll go back and check. You are very observant I like that. I revamped the "Willie Lynch" story to make it more diverse. My blog is race friendly, everyone is welcome. I don't attack individuals, but eroneous ideas.I have to be careful what I say. In spite of what some others say, people are reading. I think our last conversation, was me asking you who you were. I have an idea but I'm not sure. I know where we stand, you disagree with the war. The same thing is happening in Iran, as that what happened in Iraq. Because they both are occupied by Muslims. They cannot get along. It's like the gangs of Los Angeles. Left alone they would self destruct.

  11. Anonymous2:26 PM

    If it was a competiton, I got my money on Ladybug.

  12. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I know this kind of language isn't used here. I thought this was funny though.

    U....................,/¯ /
    T........(`(...´...´.... ¯~/`...`)
    E..........`\`...\.......... _.•´


  13. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I listened to Realtalk today. I hope people outside of Memphis can't hear this show. This show is a disgrace not only to Memphians, but African Americans as a whole. The caller Otis, put Bernard on front street. Bernard seemed to be more concerned with collaborating his story. Than he was revealing the truth to the listeners. He couldn't have a better witness, he had the bagman. He was all prepared to listen to Mr. Clark, until he didn't say what he wanted him too.

  14. Paul,

    The show is just like the recall, seriously lacking facts. Unfortunately people everywhere can hear him, he is streaming over the internet.

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I'm with you Paul. I wouldn't want outsiders to think, we are that stupid.
