
Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp

First let me say. I congratulate the Three 6 Mafia for winning the Oscar Award. Our city haven't received the honor, in over 30 years. I don't condone the act of pimping. That's not what the award was for though. They do have "A pimp of the year award". I have been listening all day, to the various comments on the radio. In regards to the Oscar received last night, by the rap group "Three 6 Mafia". The Memphis public, seems to be split down the middle. On whether it's good thing or not. The Oscar is awarded based on popularity. Determined by the votes, of industry insiders. What was big at the box office? What did you go to the theatre and see? What catchy tune do you go around singing unconsciously? That's what determines who wins the Oscars. Not political correctness, look at "Brokeback Mountain". This past week a famous author was in my city, promoting his book. I don't knock him for his efforts, at least they're positive. I just recognize them for what they are. He was discussing the plight of Blacks in America, and some tangible solutions. There was standing room only, to hear what he had to say. What could he possibly say, we hadn't heard before? What I consider the irony of this situation. They went to a place, that's always been there. To hear a message that's always been around. I wonder how many people showed up Sunday morning, to hear the follow-up? We devote so much time, to finding something new. We overlook what is right before our eyes. Instead of being our own hero, we're always looking for someone to get behind. They always let us down.

I think the main issue revolves around the word Pimp. Let's take a look at what the word Pimp, really means. Since this word has generated so much discussion. The people of Memphis don't want to be associated,with such a negative monicker. Though it is very real, and the aspirations of many of our young Black men. Some young White men, are joining the hype too. Don't let me forget the young ladies, who play a role as well. What the "Three 6 Mafia" has done,is air our dirty laundry to the entire world. And gotten worldwide recognition for doing such. This is the dictionaries definition of the word Pimp:

Main Entry: [1]pimp
Pronunciation: 'pimp
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
Date: 1600
: a man who solicits clients for a prostitute

It would be a different thing, if they were glorifying the lifestyle. In this case they aren't. Suprisingly it's quite to the contrary. Look at the title, it's telling you it's hard. I saw the movie "Hustle And Flow", and I was surprised at what I saw. It broke all the stereotypes, we have come to expect. Instead of making it look like a grand choice. With the fancy cars, women and wads of money. It let's you see what it's like, for those who just get caught. The song in question, fit the film perfectly. It told the nasty truth unfortunately, about a hidden culture. I just hope some runaway was somewhere watching this film. Hopefully after watching they decided, it's better to stay at home. Except in isolated cases, usually they should. I know somebody is going to bring up child molestation, it's very real. I may live a sheltered life to a degree, but not that much. If you conduct yourself questionably, you better not do it somewhere else. I don't know of any children, that would trade their life for what I saw. If a child in your life would choose that. You need to check yourself. The message I got from the movie, and anybody of average intelligence should get. Is "It's hard out here for a Pimp", and I don't want to be one. To many other things I can pursue.


  1. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I don't like the fact Memphis is associated with pimping. We celebrate anything. It's all about the money.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    I think it's good for the entertainment industry in Memphis.

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    It's just got easier for a pimp.

  4. Anonymous5:54 PM

    It's hard out there for everybody. I heard you on Bev's show today. Put those three things you said on your blog.
