
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Why I Support Consolidation, Of Memphis And Shelby County

If I lived outside the city limits, it would be to my advantage not to be annexed into the city either. I understand the logic of those who don't to a degree, but I live within the city limits. All of my business interests, are in the city as well. Like others I have family members and friends, that live outside Memphis too. They largely contribute, to my way of thinking. They go by their mothers house to eat and borrow things, regardless of their incomes. They never completely leave home. Without being subsidized by someone else. They couldn't afford what they consider a better standard of living. They rob Peter to pay Paul, never catching up their bills. Consistently living beyond their means. Mostly it's the younger set, in search of escaping the inner city drawbacks. Or at least they think . Leaving behind the neighborhoods they came from. If not the ones where their parents still live. When all of these things are taken into consideration. I'm for the city of Memphis, no matter what. See what has happened, is a lot of us could live anywhere we want. We choose to live in the city of Memphis, for whatever reason. That's where the breakdown comes into play. Those who have moved out of the city , underestimate the awareness of those who stay behind. Whether it's by our choice, or due to force. City residents shouldn't be paying the lions share.

Just like the city's demographics have changed. So has their potential, and future outlook. The city has taken on a more progressive trend. Unlike the Memphis of yesteryear. The days of big industry ie. 'International Harvester and Firestone', are a thing of the past. The city is ranked #7 in the nation, for relocation of businesses. Memphis is a major medical center,and constantly growing. A $4 billion bio-medical center, is in the making as we speak. We are the headquarters for FedEx, the largest shipper in the world. Not to mention the government employers. They are the largest employer in Memphis. Those are mostly career jobs. The population of Memphis, almost doubles during the day. I said that to say this, the jobs are here to stay.

The city and the county have duplicate governments. If the city is so top heavy, let's begin by cutting it in half. Wouldn't that seem like the best place to start? We are paying twice for everything. Two mayors,councils,school systems and law enforcement organizations, and all that goes along with them. It's not equal billing, for the city residents to pick up the tab for both. The county boast of such a fine school system, while the city schools struggle. Though they both feed from the same feeding trough, property taxes. If it works in the county, why not in the city? What's good for the goose, is good for the gander too. The county trustee (Bob Patterson) has said he can save the city $3 million, in the collection of property taxes. That doesn't include the unpaid taxes, that are already delinquent. He has like a 90% collection rate, and he's already on staff. You can tell already how I feel, about the school system. I wish we did have Dr. Webb, instead of Dr. Johnson. I don't agree with many of the policies she has initiated, since being appointed. Those are just a few of the reasons. The list goes on.

The government we have in place isn't a mistake. This scenario was anticipated many years ago. The plan was one sided in its inception, nothing much has changed. The only thing that has definitely changed, is the benefactors. When this plan was set up, everyone couldn't live anywhere they could afford. It's ironic in the wake of the Three 6 Mafia's Oscar Award, Isaac Hayes another Oscar Award winner from Memphis. Not that long ago, was denied a house in a certain part of town. It shouldn't be about the color of your skin, or about the money in your pocket. It should be about what's right for all the citizens. Consolidation of Memphis and Shelby County is best for all.


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You make a good case for consolidation, but the people aren't ready.

  2. Lookin,

    I know they don't want to hear what's ahead. In most cases change is resisted. Progress won't stand still, for those that won't move.

  3. Anonymous2:11 PM

    It won't happen in our life time. Too many people would loose their jobs.

  4. Anonymous2:16 PM

    County residents shouldn't be penalized because they live outside the city. We spend money in the city too. The county can't pick up the slack.

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