
Thursday, March 02, 2006

We're Off To See The Wizard

Is this an accurate depiction of what we, in the city of Memphis want the mayor to look like? I'm being sarcastic of course, but unfortunately many of our citizens aren't. Based on the logic of some people, that's what they want. They expect the mayor, to wave a magic wand and make all the city's problems disappear. Many of their complaints and issues, are misguided at best. Some of them are sour grapes, others are just outright lies. Some people are so articulate in their misdirection. It makes you wonder, could this possibly be for real? It is purely a case, of them letting their biases, cloud their reasoning. How can a pointless argument, be so well constructed? They have a wealth of information, though most of it is assembled wrong. In all you get, get full understanding. Everyone involved in this endeavor is not clueless, they just think a significant number of the other citizens are.

It's like the complaints are on a merry-go-round. If you disprove them once, they'll come around again. You soon get the impression the proponents of the mayor, aren't concerned with the truth. They just want to remove the mayor, by any means necessary. I think the two ugliest, oldest creatures, in our community. Have gotten together, and created a child. Racism and Jealousy, have just had a baby named Stupidity. It's a sad day when two idiots want the same thing, for different reasons. No matter what happens, the end result will be wrong. The complaints of high taxation, and the troubles with MLGW. The rising crime statistics, and infant mortality rates. The gentleman's agreement with the council, and a child born out of wed-lock. The cost of building the Fedex Forum, and the development of downtown Memphis. Being in the pockets of the developers, those who do the building. Catering to the desires of citizens like Belz,Hyde,Smith and Turley. Having to testify in a FBI conducted trial. And finally they think he's being arrogant. By not behaving humbly, as they deem appropriate.

When I saw this picture of the Wizard of Oz, it fitted them perfectly. It's ironic how much Dorothy the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and the Lion, have in common with some citizens of Memphis. They both have unrealistic expectations, for someone else. They both are looking to someone else, to show them a better way of doing things. Not accepting personal responsibility, for their actions. They both end up being disappointed ultimately, when someone lets them down. They both are looking for something they already have. Somebody else has to make them realize. They had what they needed, all the time. That's where the likenesses end, and differences begin. One is fiction, and one is real. One of them you make a mistake, no harm. It's only a dream, a figment of ones imagination. The other one you disrupt human lives, it's for real. For someone it becomes a sad reality.

The city is run by the taxes collected. That's nothing new, it's been that way all the time. The big difference is, the number of people living here. As opposed to those living somewhere else. The population increases by 39% during the day. What does that tell you? In the past we have relied mainly, on collecting property taxes.If you don't raise taxes,you have to cut services. If everyone is moving to other counties,who's putting money in the tax coffers? It's like using one girl for sex, and taking another one to the show. For those on the Joseph Lee kick, he's not the problem here. If MLGW was privately owned, and operated for profit. The citizens would really be crying then. Especially those that don't pay their bills, in a timely manner. Ask the people in Desoto county, no pay no power. The last I heard the mayor hadn't even been accused of murder, or any punishable crime for that matter. As for the gentleman's agreement. No politician mentions taxes, at election time. It's like shooting yourself, in the foot. If he had brought it up, what would anybody have done? If this city didn't have people like Belz,Hyde,Smith and Turley with money, investing in our future. Where would this city be now? Remember Robert R. Church Sr., he saved the city in the 1890's. I didn't agree with building the FedEx Forum at first, but we have it now. Now we have a deal signed for the Pyramid, I'm just thankful. The city doesn't have to worry, about that expense anymore. To be subpoenaed, and indicted are two different things. Thank heavens we're not convicted, for who we know. I don't uphold the mayor, in his wrong doing. With his new situation, I don't agree. Have you seen the child's mother though? She is a stunning lady, beautiful to say the least. A lot of women are getting pregnant, by men that don't even have jobs. The Mayor of Memphis by far, wasn't the worst choice in the world. I don't excuse his actions, but I understand. The richest and smartest man ever Solomon, was weak for women too. One thing is for sure. What you do in the dark, will come to the light. As for arrogance that depends on who you ask. At some point I'm sure he decided. I'm the mayor, why am I arguing with you fools?


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    You are a very smart man Common. I have been reading your blogs for a while. I enjoy reading your blogs because you speak the truth. Thaddeus supporters need to come over here to read your blogs. Maybe they will see the light on things as they are.

  2. Anti Thaddeus,

    Thank you very much for the words of encouragement. I'm glad you've been reading. I think many of them are reading my blog, they just don't respond.

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I agree with you and the other poster also. I like the objective insight on this blog.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I read your blogs also, but I want to see the Wizard. It has nothing to do with Thaddeus, I just don't like Willie. I never voted for him.
