
Friday, April 07, 2006

Can You Say Crow ?

This is proof you should think before you speak. I think after giving it some serious thought. That along with watching some of her interviews. Ms. McKinney and her lawyers decided she had played the race card to often. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney D-GA., has a history of racially oriented problems. She has a reputation of being a racist. In the grand scheme of things, she doesn't represent the race. I think this incident did cause some damage to Blacks. I say that, because now that she has apologized. Those who support her. Wish everyone else would just let it alone. Not so fast though, there's still a matter of charges. There's a possibility she could still be indicted. We expect the usual outcries of racism, from the Jackson's and Sharpton's. That's their parasitic livelihood. She is an elected official though. She should be held to a higher standard. Something needs to be done to stop these people in position, from making unfounded statements. We as Americans, have the priviledge of free speech. That doesn't give us the right to yell fire in a crowded building. Especially if there isn't one.

Click below to view apology:


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I was waiting to hear how he inappropriately touched her.

  2. Anonymous5:35 PM


    This is what I mean about playing the race card. I did not believe her story from the start. She admitted she did not have her congressional pin on. I believe she showed her ass when security asked her to "halt".

    I have more to say, but I am not feeling to good. I wanted to address this one quickly. It is sooo much to talk about, I hate feeling bad right now. I have caught up with reading the blogs. I am waiting on your opinion about Libby outing the President.


    I am having trouble with getting Antigone as my blog name. Do you have any advice?

  3. Bishop,

    Her timing was wrong too. If this had taken place six months ago, she would've probably gotten a different response. People were more careful, not to appear prejudice then. Politicians are worried about the Hispanics, they're the new majority minority. Immigration is the issue of the day.

  4. Bishop,

    Read my post "Black Mayors Conference".

  5. Anonymous 2:24,

    You and me both. Don't look like we're going to hear now.

  6. Antigone,

    Somebody said it's like the boy who cried wolf. You said it, but I totally agree. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I pray you soon feel better. Pray for me as well. I don't understand why you would be having a problem, unless someone else has used the name. Send me an e-mail, so I can get your address. I have something to tell you about that.

  7. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I don't think she was eating crow. She had a legitimate case. She was pressured to say what she did. How can house security not know who is a congresswoman?

  8. Tony,

    I don't think she had a case. If she did, she wouldn't have let it alone. The issue isn't whether or not she has a case, but will she be indicted? That's why she is apologizing. She's trying to save her neck.
