
Friday, April 07, 2006

Black Mayors Conference

This Month Memphis is hosting the 32nd annual "Black Mayors Conference", in our illustrious city. The conference will be held at the Marriott Hotel, in our beautiful downtown Memphis.If nothing else we have a lovely skyline, of which we can be proud. If you haven't seen it yet, if you get the chance. Please go and take a look. It's simply breathtaking, for lack of a better description. The theme of the convention is Rebuilding America. New markets,new strategies and new solutions. Memphis is like the cream of the crop, in city's with Black Mayors. We are one of the largest city's in America period, Black or White. Contrary to what many would have you think. We're not bleeding uncontrollably from our injuries. We simply have to get a grip. Which is going to upset some people. There are several ways to look at this, let's examine a few. I am generally one to turn lemons into lemonade. So bring on the usual naysayers. I am realistic in my expectations though. I know everyone won't see it the way I do. It's a matter of opinion, whether that's good or bad.

Let's start with the bad. Some look at this as being racial, but not in my opinion. They say Blacks would be up in arms, if a "White Mayors Conference" was held. Honestly I can't argue with that assumption. Let's face it though, Black Mayors in America are definitely rare. I just think it's like a club, with limited membership. It's not like they can leave the other Mayor's out of the grand scheme of things. It could be compared to a club or fraternity. Of course the usual troublemakers will be present. There are people who plan to protest the mayor, with picket signs. I think that's much ado about nothing. I'm using that phrase a lot lately. This will be just like all the rallies they've hyped in the past. It won't really be a factor. It won't stop anything. I'm really sick of these clowns showing up, everywhere we go. They have the right to protest, but we have the right to peace. There's a difference in participating in the political process, and being a pest.

Here is what I consider some of the good things. For anyone that's rode around Memphis lately, the city is looking great. One thing I notice as I drive around, is the newly renovated areas, are already being destroyed. That proves one thing, to any one that's thinking. You can take someone out of the slums, but you can't take the slums out of all the people. The shortcomings of our city don't rest with Mayor Herenton. It deals more with the citizens themselves individually. I had to say all, because all poor people aren't guilty. Some people are poor though, because they are guilty. True believers, as well as most of the Mayors know. The poor will always be among us, in more ways than one. Considering the nations economic and morality climate. The Black Mayors having a deeper insight than most people. When they look around the city they have chosen for their convention for the second time. I think they will be impressed.


  1. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Common I agree with you about this. I saw a new subdivision yesterday. Where they already tearing up the signs.

  2. Tony,

    I wish we weren't telling the truth but we are. I saw a house with the windows boarded up, because they broke out the glass.

  3. Anti-T,

    I saw this in Raleigh and Frayser. That's not the first time I saw this though.

  4. Bishop,

    It is obvious from your comments you like like things decent. If you live downtown, you are in the right place. You live in the center of a growing metropolis.I had a chance to buy some property in Habortown, but I didn't. If I knew like I know now. I would probably be your neighbor.

  5. Anonymous3:01 PM

    It will be even better if we elect Captain Benny Cobb Sheriff.

  6. Bishop,

    I wonder how the Hispanics feel about Mayor Herenton?

  7. Ms. Gloria,

    We'll see if Captain Cobb can make the impression on others, that he has made on us.
