
Saturday, April 08, 2006

Libby Is A Loophole

Democrats jumped on this like it was a smoking gun or something. Anything will serve as an excuse for them, why we shouldn't have gone to Iraq. This amounts to a lot of he said she said, as far as I can see. Even with all the accusations being made, there is nothing incriminate the president. What we have here is someone charged with perjury ( Scooter Libby), trying to save their own skin. Scott McClellan White House spokesman said it best when he said the release of the declassified information was very different from what he called the potentially damaging leak of information about Bush's domestic eavesdropping program which aims to track phone calls and e-mails in the United States to suspected al Qaeda contacts abroad.

"Democrats who refuse to acknowledge that distinction are simply engaging in crass politics," he said.

I am an Independent, but I call a spade a spade. The Democrats are beating a dead horse repeatedly. That seems to have become their forte these days. The bottom line is we've already in Iraq. Whether you agree with the move or not, doesn't really matter at this point. I think the administration is pleading the fifth, because anything they say will be used against them. If those who speak against you don't have anything, why give them something?


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Bush has got caught in his lies. As a leader you are responsible for your underlings actions. Libby is telling the truth.

  2. Tony,

    By all accounts Bush has never been accused of anything except by his opponents. Even if Libby is telling the truth, it doesn't matter. Bush is still not involved.

  3. Anti-T,

    I know this is one of your favorite subjects. You don't like President Bush, that's your perogative. God bless and keep you, for the service you've provided our country. But we also paid you. On top of that you are a volunteer. I would rather we be fighting in Iraq, than here in America. Thanks to you and those like you, that's the case. All of that aside. I like what you said ,"because that was my job". That's the bottom line.

    I'm sure you do have 100 reasons, why we shouldn't have been there. The problem is there's 101 why we should. In my opinion when you get through. What else could we do? I can't argue the finer points of combat. I do know this about the military though. They are supposed to provide protection, to the American citizens. If you've been in the Army for 17 yrs., and you've only been to combat for 2 of them. In my opinion, you're ahead of the game.

    If you don't want to be there, I'll be glad when you get out. They somehow manage to find soldiers, that disagree with you. How many years did you sign up for at once?

  4. Bishop,

    I don't expect you to give Bush a fair shake. We'll just have to wait and see. If there is anything to be found. I'm sure it will be uncovered. There are those who are looking.

  5. Kind of like the Mayor.

  6. Anti-T,

    You are a credit to our race, I love talking to you. You tell the truth, even when it hurts. That's how we learn. What you said, makes my point.
