
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sheriff Candidates Q & A

The past two weeks I have had the opportunity to speak with two candidates, running for Sheriff of Shelby county. They were guest on the radio talkshow the, "Andrew Clarksenior Show". The present Sheriff Mark Luttrell, and Captain Benny Cobb. I think they both offer something, that the other one doesn't. I have spoken with Captain Cobb at length, he goes to my barber shop. At first I must admit, I didn't take him seriously. The more I hear him, the more impressed I become. I am very pleased with the job Sheriff Luttrell has done with the jail itself. The problems most prevalent now, are outside the physical building itself. We need someone in office who has a plan on attacking crime. I want to know what the candidates propose to do about the gang situation. And how do they feel about community policing, and public perception. I'll address their answers to my questions, one at a time.

Sheriff Luttrell has done what he was elected for, to bring the jail into compliance. Whether you like him or not, you can't argue with that. We are in a new day now. I hate to use an old cliche, but "what have you done for me lately"? We need a new approach to our county's crime problems. Based on his interview last week, he doesn't have any new proposals. I supported the Sheriff on his past accomplishments. I was willing to give him a chance, to do the same in another area. He doesn't have any new plans. At least that he spoke off. When asked about the revolving door, he passed the buck. When someone wants to know why the criminals are running amuck, they don't want to hear about the judges. That's different offices, many up for reelection as well. We want to know what can the Sheriff's office do to help. He promised to provide more of the same, but that just isn't enough.

Captain Benny Cobb is the most qualified candidate, experience wise. He has worked for the Sheriffs department over 25 yrs. He has an impressive list of credentials. He is the shot in the arm the Sheriff dept. needs. He readily names a long list of programs which he has been a part of, and their effects. I think he is the man for the law enforcement side, but that's only part of the job. I don't anticipate a race issue here. He appears equally accessible to the concerns of all people. Based on the callers today, many of his supporters are White. He is well respected among fellow lawmen as well. Several of them called to give their endorsements. That's what raises the flags for me, to a degree. We have to be careful not to elect, what I call a lawmans lawman. They won't make the necessary decisions, to keep the department on the level. There is a certain amount of camaraderie that exists among officers. Nonetheless testimonials go a long way, in establishing credibility. He had no shortage of them, and they seemed genuine. I was very impressed with his interview. Now that he is up a running, he's a force to be reckoned with. There were some issues concerning getting on the ballot, that were ironed out. Finance plays a big part in campaigns, that's the present sheriff's strength. I hope his message reaches the people. I think he'll gain points, with the voters. Like his message did with me, an objective listener.

These are only two of the candidates in the race. There are others like Reginald French, and John Harvey. There are others who I don't know. In my book some of them are finished before they start. There's nothing they can really say. To erase some of their past indiscretions. Actions speak louder than words. Based on what I've heard so far. Captain Benny Cobb is the front runner.


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I heard you on the show.You asked some good questions. Call him on his cellphone when you get a chance. He called me right after the show. We appreciate your concern and support.

  2. Ms. Gloria,

    I have talked to him already. I congratulated him on the way he handled his interview. He has a great campaign worker in you. You brought him to my attention.
