
Friday, April 28, 2006

Now You See It, Now You Don't

A poster posed a question, I wanted to write about. In regards to the housing vouchers given to Katrina victims. Maybe I shouldn't say question, it's more like a statement they made. As articulately as their response was written. It still didn't tell the whole story. Therefore making it false.I want us to look at what really happened. Let's tell the whole story. Not just the part that supports our arguments. They say it's been eight months, when a year was initially promised. Exactly how many extensions does that make? Originally it was supposed to be, only for three months. Not the whole year as many are saying. Does being in a storm mean you get free rent and utilities for a year?The writing on the documents they hold says different. It's not unusual for people to misunderstand,or not even listen. As far as homes to return too. The majority of them were renters anyway. They made up like 65%,of the cities population. Property owners had to go back. They didn't have a choice. They had to pay their mortgages. They didn't even get three months. Many homeowners were back within the month. When it comes to jobs, and economics. A lot of the evacuees weren't working anyway. That's how a lot of them got caught to begin with. Waiting on the mailman, and the first of the month. Hurricane Katrina gave some of them, more money than they ever had before. Families could receive up to $26,500 each. Oh I forgot about the income tax checks. Income tax without income, what kind of formula is that? The fact that 50% of the people who receive tax refunds. Get more out than they put in the system. We never talk about that. This wasn't a vacation, it was a disaster. FEMA and President Bush, had no control over this. If you haven't moved back already, or have a definite date of return. You are no longer a New Orleans resident. Where ever they are, they're probably not going back. When you read the link below you will see. People have abused the system, to put it mildly. Was it taken away, or was it really there to begin with?


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    That's a shame. I feel sorry for those people. They are being penalized for being poor.

  2. Anti-T,

    No they won't, they're going to be right where they are. They've already spent the money. If you could hear the stories it would amaze you. If you only got $2000 why would you buy a $700 purse? I know some people got caught up, but not everybody did. Not even the majority of them. What efforts have these people made to readjust to their situation? At what point does releif stop, and responsibility start? This wasn't supposed to be a vacation. You can't sit idly by waiting for the government to intervene. That's how many of them ended up in this shape, in the first place.

  3. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Common what about the people in Mississippi? They're the ones who took the money. That's why fema didn't have money for New Orleans.

  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Yeah Common, what about that money?

  5. Anonymous 2:14 and Kevin,

    You're talking about the $4.7 million in overpayments. That was made to those along the Gulf Coast. They went after them, because they're the easiest to catch. They just followed the insurance trail. Most of them were double dipping. It will be tougher in New Orleans, most of them didn't own anything.

  6. Anonymous12:24 PM

    They need to pay you. You're like a African American Karl Rowe. You always got a spin.

  7. Kevin,

    For future reference his name is Karl Rove. I wish I was getting his pay.
