
Thursday, April 27, 2006

X , No Longer Marks The Spot

I was trying to understand the mentality, of those so critical of authority. I am a Christian so I look at everything from God's viewpoint first. All power in place is allowed by God, whether we like it or not. I know everyone doesn't share my beliefs,for that matter even believe in God. Based on that fact, we must coexist. No matter how erroneous I might think your logic appears. I must respect your individual opinion. The faith I prescribe to, is based on freewill. It's a choice you have to make.Having said that. Why do some people choose to remain clueless? At least they appear that way.

I can remember when manufacturing, was in its heyday in Memphis. We had plants like International Harvester, Firestone, Chicago Bridge & Iron and Kimberly Clark. We also had the meat packing plants, like Armour,John Morrell and Wilson. There were several other good paying jobs, here in the city of Memphis. People wouldn't even work at the post office. It didn't pay enough money. A job that draws thousands of applicants now. When they take applications every two years. Male teachers were extremely hard to come by, they made more money in the factories. Those that did either just refused to do manual labor, or were promoted quickly. Quickly advancing them through the ranks. Many of the employees were making $700-800 a wk.,back in the early seventies. It didn't just happen here in Memphis. The same thing happened all over the country. Everybody was buying a new house, with two cars in the driveway. A motorcycle too,if the man still liked to hang with the fellows. Those were the good old days, but times have changed.

I always stress to young people, you can do anything. You no longer live in a society, where you can be denied based on your color. We now even have a Black director of the "Environmental Protection Agency" Jerome Ringo. Who would have ever imagined that? Black children can no longer be painted, in the corner of no opportunity. They can do anything they want. Is there predjudice and nepotism,in the workplace? Honestly, of course there is. Who wouldn't watch out for their son or daughter? The next person in line would be, your relative or your neighbor. Then you get to the church member. The list continues. As long as it wasn't detrimental to them. And the people receiving the favor, can do the job. I wouldn't trust anyone, that said otherwise. Most of us were done a favor at some point. Which brings me to my statement. Qualified people aren't standing in line at the unemployment office. People with the right skills get hired everyday, all over the world. If you want to make $20 hr. for moving boxes. The competition increases dramatically. The workforce is driven by supply and demand. If you have a busted pipe, you need a plumber. You don't care about his race. You just want the water to stop. In years past all they needed was your back. In the new century that isn't the case. X, no longer marks the spot, unless it's one of the letters of your name. For the younger people who don't know what I mean. A person use to be able to make a good living, regardless of his education. People earned a $1000 a wk., and couldn't sign their name. Therefore they marked it with an X. To teach our young people that the system has failed them, because those conditions no longer exist. Isn't fair to say the least. Everybody isn't going to be a engineer, but they have to construct something. If nothing else at least their name.


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    You know you're right. I work with some of these very same people. Man you talk about everything.

  2. Kevin,

    I try to keep it interesting. I was talking to someone earlier, and they talk about it like it was yesterday. It's been over twenty years.

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Elected officials need to bring in jobs. You give them an excuse for everything.You must be on the payroll.

  4. Anonymous 2:08,

    I've noticed you disagree with everything I say. Do you really feel that way, or are you just being disagreeable?

    You are right the officials are supposed to attract jobs. They are supposed to create an atmosphere, conducive to attracting business. But they can't make companies relocate here. Theuy can only make the offer. The key to attracting business, is the available workforce. You can't bring a car manufacturing plant, to an area where children can't read. The key to attracting industry is education. The more you know,the higher the demand.

  5. Anti-T

    There will always be that network, no matter what. If I owned a company. Who do you think I would hire? Those people close to me. If they didn't bring me down. Since we don't have the networks. We have to play the part we have. You can't do anything, if you can't sign your name. And somebody you can trust, better know how to read.
