
Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Usual Cohen Grandstand

I have often said I think Steve Cohen will win the race, for Congressional seat in the Ninth district. The seat being vacated by Harold Ford Jr., in his bid for the Senate. That doesn't mean he's my personal choice. But I think he will garner the biggest base of support. There are 26 candidates in the race. The vote will be split up among the Democrats something awful. I don't like his politics, but he seems to be effective. Though his biggest accomplishment, I disagree with. He still managed to get it passed. He has been credited with being the driving force behind the lottery in Tennessee. I think he is riding the crest of this regions predisposition with immorality. He is known as the most liberal White politician in Tennessee. If elected to congress. He will be the first Jewish politician ever, to represent Tennessee in the house. Based on his positions on gay and abortion rights, which he supports. I wonder how other Jews feel about him.He doesn't depend on their vote to get him elected though. It's probably good he doesn't. I'm not so sure they base their support, solely on someone being Jewish. Which is what scares me about him. Why does he make it such an issue. They might just look the other way, while he does their dirty work. I bet Jewish vendors have some of the lottery contracts. Not to mention the Jewish kids receiving the scholarship money.

I'm not so sure his liberalism, isn't somewhat condescending. He embraces views that totally contradict the Jewish faith. The causes he supports, don't generally affect his Jewish brothers and sisters anyway. They largely affect the Black community, or citizens of Western Tennessee. Of all things the East and West Tennessee come together on, it had to be the lottery. It has turned out to be unbalanced at best.Lately he takes every opportunity to get on camera. Speaking out on things that make him look like a fighter for the underdog. Last month it was the prayer said at the assembly. Which he hasn't had a problem with in the past 23 years. This time he's breaking away from the majority, on behalf of Ms. Ford. Not that I disagree with him about that. It's just that he's spitting in the wind. It really doesn't matter what he said. Those who voted not to void the election were like a who's who of The Tennessee Waltz. If he wins this seat, he has been watching his predecessors closely. Both Harolds were masters, of last minute grandstands. I wonder why Steve Cohen doesn't have a wife, or any children? I wonder could that have something to do with his arrogant liberal views?


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    You know Common I wonder about that too. I wonder why nobody asks that. You done started something.I think he like other men.

  2. Anonymous7:45 PM

    You heard about the scholarship money not getting to the students that need help.

  3. Anonymous11:03 PM

    anons: 5:08

    Cohen don't have a woman because he and Common are lovers.

  4. The Boy,

    You probably can't even vote, can you? You can't spell that's for sure. Why are you so preoccupied with others sexuality? You must be unsure of your own. You're over here supposedly defending another man. hmmm

  5. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "The Man" do you know Common?

  6. Anonymous7:51 PM

    anon 11:30 His wife knows me very well.

  7. Anonymous 11:30,

    He don't know me, he knows of me. That's why he is so intimidated. One of his followers told me that. I know all there is to know about him, which amounts to nothing. That's why he's over here posting under a false name. His wife is more of a man than him.

  8. The Boy,

    If my wife didn't have me. She still wouldn't have you. I doubt you could even afford her anyway, you can't pay your child support. You are stupid and loud, and you're not good looking. Niether problem, of which she has right now. From what I heard, you need to be watching your wife. Word is she likes other girls. While you're watching Willie Herenton, you better be watching your wife. You don't want a press conference about that. LOL
