
Friday, April 21, 2006

If You're Living In A Glass House

The organizer of the recall, made the news today. Much to my surprise and approval. It wasn't the usual free publicity, he usually gets. Normally it's an incognito spotlight, to take potshots at Mayor Herenton. Instead the coverage this time, was about him. I wonder who has taken their shield of protection, from around him? It talked about the fact that he was seriously delinquent, on his child support payments. Instead of worrying about who the Mayors father is, and where he lives. He should have been more concerned, with the welfare of his own. Don't ever think this wasn't planned ahead of time. The problem didn't just pop up last week. They had the children's mothers and everything. This is just another instance of not dotting your i's , and crossing your t's. I can't help but think, this has something to do with the recall. I can't say this is fair, but neither are his tactics. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. It appears instead of collecting signatures, he should be collecting a paycheck. He needs to find a job that pays with a check. If you came up with the money, to keep from going to jail. Why were you behind anyway? If you had it, and didn't pay it. That would make you a Deadbeat Dad. If you're living in a glass house, don't throw no stones.


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    The old folks use to tell me "If you dig one ditch, you better dig two. The one you dig for me, just might be for you."

  2. Bishop,

    You sure did. People have to be very careful who they lie about. You never know when it's one of his children. He will make footstools of your enemies.

  3. Anti-T,

    I know he is wondering who's responsible for this. He better quit this madness, before he has to leave town. He doesn't know where it's coming from, he's stepped on so many toes. Not to mention those he's stabbed in the back. It could be anybody. It might just be somebody that doesn't like him. It could be one of those women.

  4. I knew he would try to put a twist on this. I went to his blog, and read what he had to say. His chest is stuck out, because now everybody knows. He made a fool, out of least three different women. He has three children, by three different mothers. To certain mentalities, that's a big deal. Having illegitimate children spread all over the place. Isn't he supposed to have been a preacher, for the last twenty something years? The reason he has back pay, is because he hasn't been paying. If you had to pay $5100 dollars, just to stay out of jail. You can rest assured, that's not all you owe. The reason you would be paying on a 27 yr. old, is because the state wants their money back. That or you've been dodging them all this time. A lot of people were trying to beat the system. Their dishonesty has come back to haunt them. I don't think the $5100 dollars is the recall money, they haven't raised that much.

  5. Where is "Ladybug" and "The Man" at now? I know they both know we're talking about this. For a change someone is interested in what they have to say. Their hero has fallen a couple of rungs. Maybe they're having a pow-wow, about replacing the money. Yeah right. To "The Man" is this up to date enough?

  6. Anti-T,

    I know you don't listen to talk radio. But I just heard Thaddeus give the weakest excuse I ever heard. To try and explain this incident away. He called in to the Andrew Clarksenior Show on 600 WREC. I am glad Andrew kept him on the subject. He didn't let him stray. He wanted to talk about his little diva who is 17, and has a baby. The same one who works in a bar, with the permission of her mother. Her Minister mother who lied to her, with the help of Thaddeus. For the first six or seven years of her life. About who her father was.

  7. What that amounted to was a $5100 commercial. I guess he got his moneys worth. It's been on the news all day.

  8. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I think they set him up but he tricked them. They didn't expect the brother to have the money. He paid them off in 100 dollar bills. And walked away free. That's pimp style.

  9. Anonymous7:41 PM

    He had to stay out of jail. He came up with that money in a hurry. He would be somebody's bitch by now. Tossing salad tonight and everything.

  10. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Juvenile Court targeted Thaddeusus becuase of his involvement in the Recall. He was setup by some of Herenton's Cronies. Herenton was hoping that he could get some jail time for Thaddeusus but it did not happen. Thaddeusus admitted that he owed back pay and he even spoke to the media as he exited out of the court house. He has paid his dues now it's time to move on to better things like recalling this misfit Mayor of ours.

  11. Anonymous 5:03,

    If he had the money in the bank. Why was he behind in the first place?

  12. Kevin,

    He got that money with the quickness. You're probably right.

  13. The Boy,

    Juvenile court hasn't targeted you. They just want their money. The $5100 is just a down payment. You still owe $45,900. In case you don't understand. The lawyer that followed you today, broke it down.

  14. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I'm glad my payments are up to date. I didn't see me, or any of my friends in the paper.I'll be glad when they start making some refunds. Juvenile court is a glass building.

  15. Anti-T,

    He was trying to put the mother down, when he said that. I guess he thought about it, or somebody told him. Then he tried to straighten it out. It made him look worse, than it did her.Everything he was accusing her of doing, she had to have his help. He is supposed to be a minister too.I couldn't help but think. If this is politically motivated. I bet they're looking for that daughter. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I bet if she got in front of a camera, she would have a lot to say. All this money he claims to give her off the book. Would quickly turn into. I haven't seen or heard from him in months. What kind of bar does she work at?

  16. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Eyewitness News gave a more indepth interview today. They talked to all three mothers. That's the first time I saw that. They all said he was a deadbeat in so many words.One of them must read your blog. Or youb were down there too. She said the same thing you did. Who said it first?

  17. Anonymous7:37 AM

    you were

  18. Anonymous8:05 PM

    why are you guys worried about Thaddeusus private life? He paid the money that was owed and that's all that matters.

    each of you need to be worried about the crime in memphis and the high as property taxes.

    Common why haven't you posted anything about the 2 year old child that was killed. Thaddeusus was chosen by god to lead us out of this bondage were in. I don't see any of you doing anything but running your mouths. Try getting behind somebody that is going to make a difference in your life once in for all.

  19. The Boy,

    Thaddeus isn't doing anything, but running his bad breath mouth. You can spell the name right. I hope you're doing that on purpose. We already know who you are. Your boy Thaddeus can't even make a coherent sentence. Let alone make a valid point. I'm not so much a stickler for punctuation and spelling. But I am for the truth. He couldn't lead people like me, across the street. If your god tells you to follow Thaddeus. You go right ahead. The world won't have to be bothered with you long, you're going straight to hell. I get so sick of you armchair activist. Worrying about what others are doing. I'm covering crime over here, come and see. Running your raggedy mouth doesn't count either. I'm not a policeman, it's not my job to fight crime. As far as taxes go. I just increase the rent. Like your landlord probably does. I am behind a man that has made a major difference in my life. I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  20. Anti-T,

    He is welcome to use his name over here. He doesn't have to use a false identity. He has lied so much about who he is,he has probably forgot himself. He really does think he is "The Man". I welcome him using his name. Then everybody can see me chew him up, and spit him out.

  21. Anonymous10:01 AM

    I couldn't help but sniggle. Thaddeus is the type of person who loves to dig up skeletons in others closets and then make excuses when his come to the forefront.

    I truly pity him because he doesn't realize the evil that he perpetrates all in the name of " helping the people." Help starts at home and he knews to clean up his own back yard before snooping around in others.

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