
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Eugenics, Facts Or Fiction

This is the basis of much controversy. Some political candidates have made mention of this, in their campaigns. I won't say some, when I really mean one. James Hart candidate for congress, has made this part of his platform. One would say how do you prescribe to this theory, without being a racist? I'm not racist, but I am realistic. I don't agree with his reasoning, but I see his point. He is a simple minded racist, his views are based on skin color alone. It's kind of like the thinking of Adolph Hitler. According to which side you were on, some people thought he was brilliant. He spearheaded a unprecedented Nazi movement. Whether we want to admit it or not. There are people walking around us everyday. That simply don't possess, the average level of comprehension. Yet we live in a society that makes provisions for everyone.

In our country, it is not a crime to be dense. If by chance someone comes into millions of dollars. They would just be a simple minded millionaire. I say millionaire because no matter how much they have. They'll still end up with nothing. A fool and his money soon part. Talk to some of these drug dealers, or career criminals. They have wads of money, but can't make a coherent sentence. "You know what I'm sayin"? There are so many ways to come into cash windfalls. We can't associate possessions with intelligence. From the lottery to illegal activity. It doesn't take a lot of thought, to have money and do something stupid. I asked the question once before, and didn't get an answer. When I was younger, I once heard of the "small heads disease". No one else has heard of it, and I can't find any information. I can't help but think , the two are connected. This may be one of those things, that we no longer discuss. In our strive to be politically correct. This is just one of those things, we no longer talk about. To read further on eugenics see what Mr. Hart has to say:


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Hi Common!

    Great post. I had never heard of eugenics until now. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  2. Hi Jayla,

    Good to hear from you. It's a taboo subject. That's probably why you hadn't heard anything about it before now.

  3. The Man,

    How ever much I smoke, you need some. If it makes you think. You need to light up in a hurry. Like day before yesterday, last year. If you think you're going to be a problem over here, you've come to the right place. I guarantee you,we will send you running with your head between your legs, and your tail tucked.A word of advice, you need to read.

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM


    It sounds like one of Thaddeus' trolls has come over to your blog to wreak havoc. They usually don't possess any manners anyway. I like the way you handled it though.

    To: "The man"

    I think it's refreshing to talk to someone who thinks outside the box for a change.

  5. "The man" is a prime example of the effects of Eugenics. Notice how he behaves. He can't stand to see something decent, and in order. He's the kind of person that throws paper on the ground. Instead of putting it in the garbage can. He'll stop his car, in the middle of the street. Then look at you crazy, when you blow for him to move. Drink beer out of a bottle in the front yard. Instead of going in the house, and using a glass. These people unfortunately have children. God forbid their mates are like them.I bet he has a small head.

  6. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sounds like racial profiling to me. We better be careful what we let them get away with. I wish a white boy would come to me like that.

  7. Anonymous7:47 PM

    You know we ain't got that problem. LOL

  8. The Boy,

    You can post here, you just can't use profanity. If you have something to say that's fine. If we wait on that, we won't be hearing from you.I'm not worried about your ideas, if you had one it would die of loneliness. You will be back, so you can learn something. Thad can't tell you nothing about me, because you don't know anything. If you do know something. You can repeat it, I don't have a marred past. It ain't but one or two people, I ever had a discussion with on the other blog. One I ran circles around. He's tied up with a loosing campaign for county commisioner. The other one never answered a question. He needs to focus on unpaid child support. Which one are you? Since you say I know you. I'm telling you now. If you have something to say. Say it without the profanity. We'll be glad to answer. It provides us practice to pick your points apart. It's really stupid to have your post deleted, because you can't make a whole sentence without using profanity. Yeah I think I know who you are. You're a weak ,stupid, coward. Don't let me leave out liar. Since you know me come up and prove all the things you say, next time you see me. Like I probably told you before, I'm not hard to find. If you do that. Then everybody will know who we both are.

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM


    When did you switch over to here?

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    yall left me and nobody told me anything.. :-(

  11. When I read this my eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. This was a study conducted, proving what I said. Obviously somebody else thought of this too. Read the story.

    Bigger Head, Smarter Baby?

    Study: Babies' Brain Volume by 1st Birthday May Affect Child's Intelligence

    By Miranda Hitti
    WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Louise Chang, MD
    on Friday, October 13, 2006

    More From WebMD Eat Right for Baby in Your Belly

    Superfoods for Your Pregnancy

    Miscarriage Prevention Study

    Oct. 13, 2006 -- A child's intelligence may partly be reflected by how much his or her head grows by age 1.

    That news comes from researchers in England including Catherine Gale, PhD, of the University of Southampton.

    "The brain volume a child achieves by the age of 1 year helps determine later intelligence," Gale and colleagues write in the October edition of Pediatrics.

    The researchers don't know exactly what causes some babies to have bigger brains than others. They also stress that many factors, including parent-child relationships, may affect kids' intelligence.

    Head growth -- especially in infancy -- may be one of those factors, the study shows.

    Brainy Babies

    Gale's team studied 633 full-term British babies.

    The researchers used a tape measure to gauge the babies' head circumference at birth, one year, four years, and eight years.

    The children took IQ tests when they were 4 years old and 8 years old. Those with the biggest heads tended to have the highest IQ scores.

    The researchers found that head growth by age 1 was the key factor. Catch-up growth didn't matter as much.

    "Brain growth after infancy, at least in terms of brain volume, is unlikely to compensate for poor growth in the first year of life," the researchers write.

    Parents' Role?

    The researchers also studied the babies' parents.

    The babies' mothers completed surveys about their parentingparenting style, their older children, and other factors such as breastfeedingbreastfeeding and postpartum depressiondepression.

    The researchers gave each mother a parenting score based on the survey results.

    The babies tended to have higher IQ scores if their parents had more education, had been breastfed for three or more months, and had mothers with high scores on the parenting questionnaire.

    Even after adjusting for all those factors, babies' head growth by age 1 remained tied to IQ scores among the 4- and 8-year-olds.

    "Our findings provide additional evidence that infancy is the most important period of postnatal brain growth for determining later intelligence," the researchers write.
