
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Civil Right Or Camouflaged

Is the right to vote, really a given. We know that people died and marched, for what was supposed to be automatic. I was perplexed, as to what I really wanted to say. Or if I wanted to say anything at all. About these issues, following yesterdays election. In my personal opinion, the primary's don't mean a whole lot. I have two things that I feel are paramount, in the voting process. At least from my perspective. I think this voting thing, is a loaded proposition. You have to compromise to a degree, just to participate. Especially at the primary stages. Seeing that many of us don't understand, or know it's importance. Is voting a mechanism supposedly designed to keep us equal? Ultimately being used, to hold us down? Based on the outcome of some of our local races. I can't help but wonder.

As an Independent, I feel slighted. In order to vote in the primary, you have to declare. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, either one. What am I supposed to declare? I think the Independent party is growing rapidly. I hear more and more people claiming the designation. We shouldn't be pidgeonholed into supporting a candidate, because of their party affiliation. It's like if I don't choose between the two. My choice doesn't matter. Less and less, are people claiming a particular party. They support the individuals themselves. After looking at the results. This primary is merely a screening process. None of the winners yesterday, are guaranteed their seats. It only give the politicians an idea of what the people will accept. I think we would get a better idea of the peoples ideas, with an Independent party choice. That would be the only way, to find out what I think.

The other issue I have, is voter education. There seems to be a developing trend of electing the incorrigible. People are being elected on name recognition alone. That's not a bad thing, but it's not a deal closer either. Candidates have been elected with no platforms, or known positions. We have elected people, that we have never even seen before. Another thing I want to say. Single motherhood is not a prerequisite, to knowing the needs of the community. In fact it amounts to a negative sign, to a degree. Depending on the nature of how it came about. Being young isn't an excuse either. It shows a lack of judgment, on their part. How can you deal with the problems of the city, when you can't handle your personal lives? Then we have the criminals in office. Those politicians already convicted, or presently facing charges. Everybody can change, and turn their lives around. Public office is not the place, to get yourself together.

What has happened here is the focus has changed, for all involved. Instead of representing their constituents as a whole. Their representation is fragmented at best. They cater to special interest groups, and the highest bidder. As witnessed by the "Tennessee Waltz". The politician has learned to capitalize on the ignorance, of the voter. It's no longer about a majority of people supporting a cause. It's about how many people, won't do their homework. Or how many voters you can mislead. Is voting a civil right that's been camouflaged?


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I say camouflaged. When you see the ignorance of some of the voters. It's being used to work against us. What do you think about the Sheriffs race?

  2. Anonymous 4:57,

    You won't get an argument on this end. We were talking about the Sheriffs race, at the barbershop today. I find it interesting that experience didn't count, in this race. As serious as crime is, in this county. It would appear the citizens would want someone that has a plan. Obviously they don't. This race results seemed to be minus two elements. Guess which two they are.

  3. Anonymous 4:57,

    If you're still here, let me know. Tell me the time. It will settle an argument.

  4. Common:

    I like the way you think. The voting process is a joke. I consider myself an Independent. The majority of our Democrat and Republican politicians are corrupt one way or another. The Democrat and Republican Party have hardcore loyalist who will be an affiliate with their party choice until the day they die. That is okay, but it is time the two parties realize Independents have liberal and conservative views. It depends on the issue.

    We no longer have checks and balances in our democracy. The two parties have become complacent. Independent voters can change that. I will no longer vote in primaries. Let the Democrat and Republican party fight it out on who appears in the general election. My vote will only be used during the general election from now on and if more people are steering towards being an Independent, they should do the same. Independent voters will keep the Democrats and Republicans unsure which party will be the majority in the legislative arena.

    Independent voters are the numbers the Republican or Democrat party will not be able to control on blind faith because Independents will vote for the best candidate Republican or Democrat of their choice.

  5. Binders,

    That's a good idea. I think the Independent party is worthy of recognition. I am glad the idea is attracting thinkers like you. I hope it will evolve into sonething more, than an avenue for people that can't get endorsements from the other parties. Dejected Democrats seem to have floundered there. Let's start a movement. If the two parties wish to come to a concensus. They should pay for the priviledge. Unless they're prepared to split the pie, three ways instead of two.

  6. Anonymous5:21 PM

    It's not going to change. Blacks will never side with Republicans,for good reason. It is the party of former segregationist

  7. Anti-T,

    Let's see if it works.

  8. I forgot, Thanks
