
Monday, May 15, 2006

Come On Over, The Right Way

The President made his first "State Of The Union Address" this term, from the White House. He addressed the pressing issue, of immigration. The drive behind the mass protests all over the country, and the Minutemen project. Both historical events,in their own right. I was looking forward to this being the topic of discussion, on the radio tonight. To my surprise it wasn't. I guess that was wishful thinking, on my part. The only liberal press he gets, is something perceived as bad. President Bush said all the things, I have said from the beginning. It would be ridiculous, to try and kick them (immigrants) all out. First we should stabilize our borders. The temporary work permit, are a compromise. But the end justifies the means. It allows immigrants to become a taxpaying citizen, for a small cost. Compared to what they're paying now. The price is often their lives. Honest, hardworking people are willing to die, to come to America. I like what he said about this issue being neglected for the past twenty years. The illegal immigrants didn't just start coming, across the border last year. The border patrol is working very hard, in the past five years they sent back 6 million people. I agree with the proposal to use the National Guard. The taxpayer is paying them anyway. I think the President's plan has covered all the bases, but I'm just one person. See what your Senator and Congressman has to say. Do you think he has the right number?


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    There's a difference in protecting the borders, and going to war. The soldiers are trained for war, not police duty.

  2. Cordova TN and Bishop,

    What would you suggest we do about this. Please don't be a stranger. Come back and explain your statement.

  3. Anti-T,

    I agree with you, but I'll hold my comments for later.

  4. Common:

    You know my views about President Bush. His speech last night was the first speech I agreed with him on, with the exception of the role the National Guards will have. He said, “Their commitment would be for one year”. If he holds true to that statement, then I have no problem with the National Guard helping the Border Control Agents until the 6,000 new Border Control Agents come on-line. I also see this as a creation of 6,000 federal jobs for Americans.

  5. Blinders-Off,

    I appreciate the objectivity. I would just like people to admit, it's a good idea. If not, I'm waiting to hear a better one. I think the National Guard, should be deployed as long as needed though. If it takes longer than a year, it just does.

  6. Anonymous7:28 PM

    You love George Bush and you don't find anything wrong with his policies. The Guardsman have been trained to shoot missles and M-16's. They're not trained to be security guards.

  7. Cordova TN,

    You have only attacked my support of the President. You still didn't offer a better alternative. In most cases that's the extent of the argument. You just don't like who suggesteted the plan.

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Have you seen the new 9/11 tape? It uncovers the conspiracy, that took place. It names Bush, Bin Laden, Rumsfeld and Saddam Huessein. All of them played a part.

  9. Cordova TN,

    It's ironic that you would ask that. That video was brought to my attention today, while at the barbershop. I'll wait until I see it, before I comment. I've been assured it's more factual than Fahreheit 9/11.

  10. Anonymous11:40 AM

    oh yeah! bring it on! george bush, knows he is my boo! if he wants to improve his approval ratings then he needs to tackle something worthwile, like this immigrant ish.
    i always like the way, he does that little gansta lean, right before he is about to say something tough. you can watch his body language and see it coming. i however, dont think this is gonna garner him any yeas from the dems or rep, who have turned their backs on him.

    vincente fox, has the gall to say he is gonna file a lawsuit, can you believe that, a lawsuit in our country, if we allow the national guard to work the borders and stop the illegals. what is fox smoking....maybe we need to check his teeth. to see if he has meth mouf. i believe the guards should work the border, hell, especially since they were allowed to go to kent state and kill protesters. why not protect our sovereign borders. i personally think, vicente fox, is up to no good. we gonna need hiliary to straighten his ass out!

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