
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

District Contract Schools Vs. Charter Schools

I have always said a strong public school system, is the best source of education. I don't agree with Charter schools, I think they are limited in their benefits. And ultimately it drains much needed funds, from public education coffers. It may serve a certain group, with a defined set of goals. But what about those students who don't have them set yet? In listening to the parents and students today, of the KIP Diamond Academy, the first of it's kind. After listening to the interview with the students and teachers. Even I have some questions, concerning the teachers. I understand the hesitancy of those people, who are skeptical about their mission. We have to be careful. We aren't sending our children to a training camp, of sorts. Anything that has to much of an ethnic aspect, I watch it very closely. I don't assume you have a point, based on your race. Neither am I easily swayed by a wolf in sheeps clothing. Not accusing anybody, just keeping watch. I'm as proud of my heritage, as the next man. But I'm not over indulgent, in it either. I'm not Black and just that, leaving no room for logic. There's more to me than that. Contrary to what some people believe. Everything isn't Black and White.

The key here is parent involvement. If you haven't noticed, or if I haven't said. The parents here, want something different for their children. That's the first, and the most important thing. I feel that's involved, in this whole equation. To get it right at school, it has to start at the house. This whole process begins with the signing of an agreement. They have signed a contract with the school. Just like the school has made a commitment, to the MCS. Everyone has a clear and defined responsibility. If you don't hold up your end of the bargain, time isn't wasted with you. They must say every child can learn, as educators they have to say that. I can read between the lines though. You either get with the progam, or go elsewhere. Students aren't assigned to this school. They seek it out. The parents are actively involved, with the education of their children. They may not be in possession of a PHD themselves, but they want the opportunity for their young ones. For that I have the utmost of respect. For those parents willing, to step up to the plate, and make sacrifices. Every generation should do better, than the generation before. I appreciate the fact that these parents recognize this. The intellects have to watch out, for those with less understanding. Not make a object of advancement of them, for their own personal gain. Like it has happened so often in the past. Let's not forget about the "Cherokee" program. It was something meant for good, that turned out bad. That's what I expect from Charter schools. How can you gauge the future needs, when you don't control anything? You're at a disadvantage. I think "District Contract Schools" is a more progressive name, for alternative schools. Which I don't think, was such a bad idea to begin with.


  1. I do not have an opinion one way or another on Charter schools. I no longer have to worry about my children education; my youngest daughter will be graduating college next year. You did hit the nail on the head when you said, “It begins at home”. PARENTAL involvement is very important in a child’s education. If there were more parents involved in the public schools their children attend, there would be less disruption with their educational needs.

  2. Blinders Off,

    As one who has done their job already. If it works for you, it will work for them. Parental involvement is the key.
