
Monday, May 22, 2006

The Coup Conspiracy

It is said that people who buy one conspiracy theory, usually buy into all of them. I hadn't heard this one in a while, but I remember when it came out. The same people that believe this story. Probably believe American helped Osama Bin Laden get away. This past week another hypothetical situation was added to the list. According to this theory Sadam Huessein, as well as Osama Bin Laden were part of the masterplan. The American people have used every excuse under the sun, why we shouldn't have gone to war in Iraq. It amazes me that so many Christian Americans especially, abandon their faith in tumultuous times. We shouldn't be surprised at present events. It has been prophesized. There will be wars and rumors of wars.In the various scenarios offered for our consideration. This is a bit far fetched in my opinion. This parody blames the Bush family, for the inception of Saddam Huessein. Something that happened 69 years ago. I doubt if either of the Bush men were there. The senior Bush could possibly be Sadam Huessein's father. If he had been in that country. At the age of thirteen, he could have been a hell of a youngster. If you agree with this account. This clearly builds a case against the Bush family. Except for it being one sided, in it's attack. Watch this video and honestly answer the questions, that arise in your mind:


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I noticed no one has responded to this blog. I think it is because they know it has holes big enough to drive a truck through.

  2. Common and Chuck:

    I did not post earlier because I passed the link of this movie onto Anit-T post to give her a good laugh. Common I guess you did not like the movie. Yes, the movie has holes in it, but it also has facts. Soma Bin Laden was once an American ally to help fight the Taliban in Afghanistan. In addition, Sadam was an American ally at one time because of Iran.

    I am guilty I do believe in conspiracy theories. Think about it. It was a conspiracy of the Republicans and Democrats Ethic Committee in Washington to have an "understanding" not to report ethic problems within the two parties. They are coming out now because of how the FBI is conducting their investigation, example NO house rep. W. Jefferson

  3. Blinders-Off,

    I liked the movie it further proves my point. It served it's purpose. It made me laugh. I just won't pass up the chance to expose this for what it really is, fiction. Laced with a periodic fact. It's only humorous if you know that. You may know there are holes, but some readers don't.

  4. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Are you familiar with Scholors For Truth?I find this site very interesting.

  5. Weekly Reader,

    That logic is just like this one. In order to believe it, you have to leave a lot of stuff out.
