
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Frederick Williams Ruled Insane (Not Guilty)

No matter how many times I say this. It seems to get lost in the mix. I am not condoning anybody taking anybody's life, under any circumstance. The unlawful taking of another person's life, is simply wrong. Except where it is approved under the law. Protecting ones self and their family, and in the commission of law enforcement. There are provisions set forth, to protect the law abiding citizens rights. My opinion also doesn't include capital punishment either. Obviously insanity is a plea that you can use also. That is the one being used, in this particular case. Judge Arthur Bennett is a man, of integrity and character. I respect his opinion. I know it is based on the law.

I don't know all the facts of this case, so I can't make an educated decision. I don't think we'll ever hear all the specifics, of this trial. I don't think he could have possibly gotten a fair jury trial, with jurors from Memphis. Considering the fact he killed his wife. A deputy sheriff, and two other firemen. Emotions would have taken over. The instructions were best left to a Judge. It worked to the advantage of the defense. I will say this though. In every rumor, there is at least a grain of truth. The rumor I heard, contained accusations of infidelity. Out of respect for those left behind. I won't repeat that rumor here. I must admit it raises serious questions though. Regardless of whether we agree or not, that is the Judges decision.

See story below:,2845,MCA_25340_4718072,00.html


  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    when i read this in the CA today, i did not know whether i should laugh or cry. i honestly didnt. i wanna see the families pain and i know that, well i hope that he has a soul inside of his body that knows how to beg and pray for forgivness. im out of gas on this topic......its just a really really sad situation. we must remember to pray for him and his victims families for strength.

  2. Anti-T,

    I don't know all the specifics of this case,but I am familiar with Judge Bennett. I trust his judgement. I am so happy to speak with someone else, who has served on a jury. You are aware of the importance of instructions.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I think this is a travesty of justice. This man killed 4 people.

  4. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I heard you on Andrew's show. It got heated about the coach.

  5. Anonymous12:06 AM

    This is one of those situations where the laws needs to be changed.
