
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Crazy Like A Fox

President Fox is the equivalent, of the non-custodial parent. He comes across as the solution, and a cure-all . When he's part of the problem. In this case, he is the problem. Him and his country. It's easy to suggest something idiotic, and off the wall. When you don't have to deal with it, on a regular basis. This is something designed, to attract the rebellious child. Notice how he only legalizes small amounts. What happens when these people get addicted? Do you think Mexico is going to handle that as well? They offer very little rehabilitation. They will send them back home to the states, with the drug problems. For the American taxpayer to foot the bill. Just like they're sending their women over here now, to have babies.The city of San Diego, only a short drive from Tijuana Mexico. Already has a bulging population of 1.3 million people, largely Mexican. The Mayor Jerry Sanders predicts a dramatic increase in drugs in America. He has the pulse of the Mexican people, based on his citizenry. He warns that the American people, should muster every protest they can. This will have catostrophic effects on the United States.

What is happening here is Mexico, is using the United States as it bowels. America is falling victim, to it's own policies. In America they call it Eminent Domain. They are moving the undesirables farther and farther away, from the city. All in the name of redevelopment. We are constantly being relocated, and we don't realize it. We think we are moving up the ladder of possesions. Look where they placed most evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. In border cities, with immigration problems already. Anything they give away, has to have a catch. That's a rule of thumb, you can always follow. Our attitude of entitlement, has consistently caused us to be victimized. What was viewed as treats, have turned out to be tricks.

Any body that knows anything about these drugs. Knows it won't remain small amounts. That's the trick here. The users will always graduate to something bigger. Unless they somehow quit. They're going to further tap into the American economy. Through inviting casual drug use. I predict a swelling of Mexican jails, with young American prisoners. Parents and family in America, are going to put everything they have in hock. To get these people out of Mexican jails. Under the new law, consumers may possess up to 25 milligrams of heroin, 5 grams of marijuana (about one-fifth of an ounce, or about four joints), or 0.5 grams of cocaine - the equivalent of about 4 "lines," or half the standard street-sale quantity.
The law also establishes allowable quantities for other drugs, including LSD, MDA, MDMA (ecstasy, about two pills' worth) and amphetamines.
However the bill stiffens penalties for trafficking and possession of drugs -even small quantities - by government employees or near schools, and it maintains criminal penalties for drug sales.It also gives local police more power to go after small-scale dealing.

I hope everybody is as crazy as President Fox.


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    i agree with you. fox is a moron. even though we are in the 21 century, it is not too late in the game for countries to over take other weaker nations, especially when they are vunerable. if we blink our eyes for 20 seconds, 100,000 illegals have entered this country. at that rate, hell this country is gonna be over taken by foriegners, soon. we are given a false sense of security in believing that INS is deporting them at the same rate. we are also, taught that the border control officers are doing an efficient job. not! i wouldnt be surprised that fox, has a plan to infiltrate and over load the system until it collapses. then he can eventually send over the politicians from mexico, that he controls. secure them a place strategically, to run for public office. of course the latinos are gonna vote for 'em. before, you know it there will be majority latinos, in public office. they are not like any other race, they stick together. ever heard the cant starve and ant?
    american's are surely missing the biggest picture, ever! this country has to nip the illegal situation in the bud. hehehe i always wanted to use that....i hear my aunt saying that all of the time.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Common I agree with you for different reasons than Ladybug. I think Vicente Fox is very smart. That's what I get from your post. He has found a glitch in the system. He is taking advantage of the same avenues. The slackers in America always have.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I think he's smart too. He has figured out how to dump his poor and downtrodden on America.
