
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Don't Take It Literally

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

This is written on a plate, at the bottom of the Statue Of Liberty. In the early days, that's how we all got here. Since then we have enacted laws, that we didn't have during that time. This may have been the order of the day, in our nations beginning. That's not realistic today.


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    one of the major problems that this country has is taking care of other countries or nations. we are still rebuilding parts of germany. and still sending grain, rice and money to vietnam. remember normandy (france) well we still support them too. if you think back, the last war that was fought on american soil was the civil war. everytime that we fight a war on foreign soil, we have to rebuild what we destroy. so, if we can keep our noses out of erbody elses business, then we could focus on our own american issues and resolve them. i am not sure if that is part of the united nations peace treaty, to rebuild what you destroy. if it is then, afganistan and iraq needs to pay for what happened to the towers.

  2. Anonymous11:42 PM

    If we break it we should fix it. We need to mind our own business. Then we won't owe anybody anything.

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    anon 9:42, lol....youre mimic a sign in an asian import break, you buy. hehehe.

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    If we just treat everyone else like they treat us, we'll be straight.

  5. The Statue Of Liberty was a gift itself, from the country of France. It's was sort of like an investment for France, in Americas future. At the time the statue was erected this country hadn't reached it's prominence, on the world social ladder. The 'Statue of Liberty' was dedicated on October 28, 1886 and was designated a National Monument on October 15, 1924. America then was not the America of today. This country was built on the migration of outcast, from other countries. The key word their is built. I'm not talking about laying bricks either, but developing our culture. The same thing that got you to the dance, you stick with that until the end.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    i see where your coming from. but didnt france also give us lady liberty as a gift for our freedom. the freedom we got from......i think england? didnt we recieve that for gaining our independence, like for independence day. and why does all ships, cars, boats and most material thing be referred to as...female? whats up with that? is france a friend or foe???

  7. Ladybug,

    That's an interesting question. Though I don't see where one thing, has anything to do with the other. Yes we were given the statue as a gift then. The problem is what it symbolizes to immigrants now. The other question you ask is bibical in nature. I know the answer. But would it help you, if I told you? You research the answer, and get back to me.

  8. Common perfect timing for this post. In all the debates we are hearing in reference to the immigration issue, not one commentator referenced "Lady Liberty".

    My memory is not as sharp as it use to be. I am at that stage where I must write it down. I cannot recall the name of the author or book right now, but I will have it later. I did not have my pin and paper on hand when I saw the book author interview on CNN. The interview sparked my interest because the author is revealing information about the present administration that people are debating today.

  9. Binders,

    I noticed that people were sharing the same sentiment for different reasons. Whites are feeling threatened because the numbers have exceeded their expectations. Blacks feeling they were being crossed out of the economy, as a result of not controling the flow of illegal workers. Both right to a degree, but that's not the entire picture.

    On the other side you have the immigrants themselves. And those people that agree with them. In all honesty we must admit, America was built by those who migrated here from other countries. Not just the Blacks, but the Chinese and the Irish. The Blacks who feel the need to Unite, even though they won't benefit. Once the dust settles, the standing of Blacks will not have changed, one way or the other.

    We are experiencing a trend of sorts in our country. Our antequated laws, are catching up with modern times. In 1886 the welcome may have been timely. Considering the times and climate, we face today. It's no longer timely.

  10. Anonymous5:29 PM

    If they don't mean it. They shouldn't say it. We welcome everybody else. Is America a liar? They didn't allow the Hatians to misunderstand the message.
