
Monday, May 29, 2006

King Of The Low Blows

I heard Bobby O'Jay say something this morning, that I thought was a low blow itself. I think Bobby O'Jay has taken pretty much the same attitude I have. When it comes to Thaddeus Matthews. He usually doesn't even pay this stuff any attention. Talking about this idiocy only adds fuel to the fire. If people didn't talk about it, it would soon disappear. Some people just won't let this go though. I personally think they are undercover haters of the Mayor myself. They just aren't ready to defend their positions against his supporters. I heard that can be a thankless job. The absence of a leg to stand on doesn't help either.

Some people don't seem to be warming up to the idea of a a Herenton/Frazier matchup, on behalf of Lemoyen Owen College. There are some people who want to see a real heavyweight fight. Let's be serious here. These are two sixty year old men, going three exhibition rounds. Nobody is trying to move up in the WBA ranks. Thaddeus Matthews has volunteered himself in Joe Frazier's place. Thinking it may garner more support for his show. I guess he would volunteer, he has nothing to lose. He is already lower than a catepillars belly. I guarantee he would want part of the proceeds. In any event it's a win ,win situation for him. The recall issue is over, it's water under the bridge now. It seems some people would like to see it, myself not included. He could use any help he can get paying that $51,000 he owes.

But back to what Bobby said. "The Mayor would need a steel jockey strap. This guy is the king, of the low blows". Thaddeus would come in the ring, going for his balls. Testicles is the correct medical term. This explains why he is so anxious to fight the Mayor. He has no plans of fighting fair. I don't usually agree with Bobby O'Jay but I do about this. This time he may have a point.


  1. This is what I said on another blog about Thaddeus volunteering to box Herenton for charity: I do not believe Herenton need to box T-Man to help raise funds. His match with Smoky Joe will bring in bigger bucks. He is going to ignore T-Man as he did during the recall. Privately WWH would street fight T-Man if given the chance, but he will NOT give him a stage to further T-Man self proclaim public figure persona.

    If what you say is true from listening to the Bobby O’Jay show is true that people are more interested in paying to see T-Man and Herenton box instead of Joe Frazier and Herenton to raise funds for Lemoyne Owens College. I guess T-Man self proclaim public persona is being validated. One thing is not a doubt if 45,000 people signed the recall petition you have possibly 45,000 people willing to pay to see this boxing match.

    If a fight between T-Man and Herenton verses Joe Frazier and Herenton bring in more money with all the funds from a fair boxing match between Herenton and T-Man go to help save Lemoyne Owens. It would be worthwhile for Herenton to consider it if it helps save his alma mater. Nonetheless, I will not be holding my breath that Herenton will consider it because of his disdain for T-Man and what I said in the beginning of my comment.

  2. Blinders-Off,

    I didn't read that blog. This was hilarious to me, I've been laughing all day.I know he was anxious for some reason. I think that might be why. The people that will support the cause. Don't expect a real fight anyway.

    It's not that so many people want to go and see. It's just that the ones who will. Are the only ones, who are talking about this. They take every chance they get, to get some free media. He just seized the moment. He usually doesn't allow his name to be mentioned. Not on his show anyway.

    The Mayor won't fight him, he has nothing to gain. If he did though, he would probably cheat.

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Who is this Thaddeus guy? I've seen his name mentioned a couple of times.

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thaddeus is someone trying to make a difference in Memphis politics.

  5. Charles,

    He is a local blowhard. A want to be Al Sharpton. You're from Chicago, so you're used to them kind of cats.

  6. Anti-T,

    It has already blowed over. Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.

  7. G.E. Patterson took the high ground. He contributed $35,000 of his own money. To the save Lemoyen Owen fund.

  8. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Way to go G.E. Patterson. Now that's what I call, taking a stand.

  9. Anonymous 1:21,

    I think that is Bishop's pastor. He hadn't been here lately. Maybe he will see that, and respond. I would like to hear more.

  10. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I think Wendi Thomas was dead on today.Common I know you like Willie.

  11. Cordova TN,

    She was right about a lot of what she said. True to form, that didn't last. If a person talks long enough. They will stick their foot, in their mouth.

  12. Anonymous1:13 AM

    Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

  13. Anonymous 7:25,

    I thought that was funny. I couldn't help myself.
