
Monday, May 29, 2006

Minimum Wage / Immigration, Watch It

This could prove to be a double edged sword. Especially for the minorities. You might find people in support of one position, because of the other. It will depend largely on the intelligence, of the voters. And what side of the fence, the majority is siding with. If Democrats can stall the voters until after the election. The minimum wage issue, isn't likely to be settled. Arkansas is one of the few states, to raise it on it's own. We already know where the Republicans stand. If they can manage to bring supporters of both platforms together. That would count for a significant number of voters. One thing I have come to expect in dealing with politicians. It's always about politics, and being reelected. Let me paint the scenario.

This may sound cold and insensitive, but it's true. The only people worried about the minimum wage, are those people who will be taking those jobs. The largest portion of the workforce, aren't working for minimum wage anyway. It's mainly the unemployable, and the young people who fill those jobs. Even many of those jobs after some time, turn into decent livelihoods. A man once told me "if you do anything long enough, and well enough. It will give you a comfortable living". When you really think about it, that's the truth. The immigrants have taken this mentality, and formed themselves a stronghold. As I always say "America is not going to be held hostage. Employers are not going to pay $20 hr., for someone to pick up paper". They'll just find a cheaper workforce. Which is what in essence, they have done.

To understand what's happening here, just consider this. If I only have money for three employees, in my budget. If you force me to pay them more, without giving me more money. What is going to happen? Somebody is going to loose their job. Raising the minimum wage, will undoubtedly cause some people to lose their jobs. Are you willing to pay $5 for a Big Mac? It boils down to supply and demand.I bet the immigrants and their supporters, aren't raising a fuss about the issue. Supposedly they're taking all the low paying jobs anyway. I don't think they are, but they will.


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Minimum wage goes a long way in Mexico. They come to America and work, and send all their money back home. Over there they live like kings and queens.

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Instead of spending all that money in other places. Why don't we spend it in the states?

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    We need to raise the minimum wage all over the country.

  4. Charles that is one hit on the nail about the minimum wage issue. Common your scenario is a second hit on the nail.

    In all fairness minimum wage should increase because the federal minimum wage has been stuck at $5.15 an hour since 1997 and the Republican-controlled Congress has beaten back many attempts to raise it. The cost of living has increased since 1997, if we invest in people we would have less people depended on the welfare system to supplement their family’s needs.

    Anon: 12:43

    The U.S. credibility would be stronger in the world if we FIX our problems before trying to fix the problems of the world.

  5. Just like everyone else. I want more money also. But money doesn't grow on trees. What good is it to make 9 hr., if gasoline is $7 a gallon. And a Big Mac is $5, and change.

  6. Anonymous7:49 PM

    They're fighting it in Tennessee.Arkansas will get it done, before we change.

  7. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

  8. Anonymous 7:25,

    I love to get a response to an old post. Thank you very much.

  9. Anonymous8:10 PM

    These are comments from candidates in the 8th congressional district in Indiana.

    The best way to combat the minimum wage is through education, experience and investment..... Congressman Mike Sodrel (R-Ind.)

    We can do more to help low wage workers by making real cuts. Like payroll, property and sales. Let them keep more of their money... Eric Shansberg-Libertarian Candidate

  10. Anonymous8:10 PM

    These are comments from candidates in the 8th congressional district in Indiana.

    The best way to combat the minimum wage is through education, experience and investment..... Congressman Mike Sodrel (R-Ind.)

    We can do more to help low wage workers by making real cuts. Like payroll, property and sales. Let them keep more of their money... Eric Shansberg-Libertarian Candidate
