
Monday, May 08, 2006

Should We Put A Cap On Graduation ?

Parents at Westwood High School are in an uproar about the number of tickets they are being allowed for graduation ceremonies. They have received notice that they are only receiving 10 tickets. As always there are two sides to every story. I can see why the Principals would want to control the crowds. I can also see why the parents would be upset, that they are being limited in their invitations. This isn't something that just came up. I'm surprised the issue hasn't come up before now. I made my mind up earlier today what I thought about the whole thing. Tonight I heard the President of the school board Wanda Halbert and I totally agree with what she said. The schools are being given an allowance. There is no excuse for any graduation taking place in a venue that's not large enough to accommodate the crowd. What she said took the blame off the school board, and placed it squarely on the shoulders of the individual schools. That being the case I think this is something that would work for everyone.

I understand those who say ten tickets is enough. They've attended graduations where you couldn't hear the speaker call the honorees names, for the families shouting when little Pookie's name was called. Don't mention the babies continuously crying. That's no place for them. That or have someone sit in front of you, with so many balloons you can't see the stage. Don't mention the constant walking back and forth. Going where I don't know. Some people say it's just to be seen, I wouldn't dispute that assumption. People stepping over you, with their several trips to the restroom. We can't leave out the cell phones. They're ringing out loud and being used also, especially now they have cameras. I even saw someone standing in their seat at the last ceremony I attended. There is a valid argument for limiting the people who attend. Unfortunately a few mess it up for all.

I understand the other side as well. Everybody doesn't go to disregard public etiquette. They just want to see someone they know graduate. Nothing is wrong with that. Graduation is not just something to be celebrated by the immediate family. It's a community wide event. Just because you don't have a child in the ceremony. Doesn't make you less excited about what is happening. If you want to see little James or Ashley down the street graduate, why not? In fact all taxpayers, pay for the priviledge anyway. All public schools get an allotment, to go toward graduation expenses. Unless it's for a private school. If the people that come to the graduation act like civilized people. I could care less if a hundred people come to see a graduate walk. I'm being facetious here, that would be rare. But you get the picture. Except in extreme situations space shouldn't be an issue.

Why not kill two birds with one stone. This didn't just come up this year. It just now hit the fan. Since the MCS is already footing the bill. Why not remove the red tape? The breakdown is coming in at the individual schools level. They are using this earmarked money, to extend monetary favors. In the past, certain schools have held their commencement ceremonies at major venues. So some schools require more space than others. All graduations come at the same time every year. The MCS should provide the facilities for all graduations. The Cannon Center seats 2100 people, which is more than enough for most schools. That would be a way of repaying the debt, for the Cook Convention Center. Those schools with bigger classes, can have a day set aside for them also. Give them a time slot in a preplanned schedule. When it comes to security we definitely need that. If you run a couple of them in for disorderly conduct. The word will soon get around. That that's not the place for unruly behavior. That problem will soon take care of itself. We can put a cap on graduations. If we do this, it won't be necessary.


  1. Anti-T,

    No problem that's what we need. Honest and complete dialouge. I know you will disagree here. I think this is where the problem begins. A woman maybe could be principle of an elementary school, first through fourth. After that point the principal, needs to be a man. The principle at Westwood is trying to control the crowd.

    The story you told about the boy with his pants hanging down, is exactly what I'm talking about. The only thing she should have done differently. Is first ask him to pull his own pants up. The next thing out of her mouth should have been. "The next time I have to tell you this. It will mean a home suspension". If he decided he wanted to fight. That principal and those teachers who witnessed. Should have mopped the floor with his disrespectful behind. We need some goons in the schools, if that's what it takes.

    At Southside we had Mr. Johnson. At Tech we had Mr. Brown, they kept you in pocket. These punks now aren't as tough as we were then. They just get away with more.

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    At BTW, we had Mr. Blair T. Hunt.

  3. Anonymous12:25 AM

    We had Mr. White at Manassas High School - Memphis TN , Home of the TIGERS!

  4. Anti-T,

    I said elementary 1st thru 4th because many times we have 12yr. olds in the 6th grade. Some even in the 5th. Sometimes these boys have had sex, and they think they are men. Only a man can show him, that he's not.Many times these boys see a woman as having no more authority over them, than that female they had sex with. Now we find many times this is their teacher.

  5. Any person wanting more than the ten alloted tickets, for graduation at Westwood High. Can go to the office, and request the extra tickets. If you have any problems, you can contact board chairperson Wanda Halbert at 901-508-2536.

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