
Sunday, May 07, 2006

Why Does Ignorance Have The Mic ?

It bothers me that when someone says or does something, to show their density. It makes the front page news and always gets media hype. Why as a society do we give so much attention to things we really should ignore? We shouldn't necessarily ignore them, but not give them special attention. Instead we should take steps to change this way of thinking. I watched several shows this weekend that heightened this distaste I have. I watched a show dealing with faith. They even managed to make a mockery of that. I like fun like the next person, but everything isn't supposed to be funny. Some things require serious thought. Just because one's actions haven't landed them in jail, doesn't make it acceptable. When the Black community is highlighted before the rest of the world. I would rather it sometimes be for a worthwhile cause. And not an opportunity to show that we're still in the same place.

People will grab on to any excuse not to do what's right. Generally the right thing requires sacrifice on our part. The right thing is always the best. It amazes me that people listen to things, that have no real basis. If it doesn't contain facts,it really doesn't matter. We can't base our decisions purely on our emotions. There was a misquote by Cookie Johnson saying there was a cure for A.I.D.S, and Magic Johnson was healed. People took that and ran with it, though we know that's not true. People read and remembered that idiotic statement. They didn't see the retraction statement though. Why didn't we spend at least as much time checking it out? Now there is a need for damage control. You have to try and find those people, and reverse their mixed up thinking. Could this be because it takes the responsibility of accountability off them? Once again ignorance of the truth, is no excuse. If someone is infected do you think it matters to them? The end result is the same. What I have a problem with, is this had a audience in the first place. Since when did Cookie Johnson become a spokesperson? When someone gives pertinent information about the spread of the disease it's hidden on PBS, or written in a Medical Journal.

There seems to be this growing sentiment across the country, to challenge authority. There is nothing wrong with raising issues. We just have to raise them within the guidelines. When you listen to some people talk. Thank God those of us who respect decency and honor, we're not outnumbered. Locally we have a recall petition being circulated, by a particular group of citizens. It doesn't represent the opinions of the majority. Not even the minority, in this case. The thing is we have to sift through their outlandish statements. To try and figure out what is true, and what is not. There's no law against making accusations, and not being able to back up what you say.We have yet to hear what really happened to Cynthia McKinney. With the police incident on Capital Hill. Then you have celebrities like Sean Penn and Celine Dion, pointing fingers at the government. In natural disasters, and other acts of God. Stirring up the countries emotions. And those like Jesse Jackson and Louis Farakahn, that claim the levees were purposely blown. I would consider it criminal to spread rumors like this. In the midst of the Katrina catastrophe. You can't yell fire, in a crowded building.

The last thing that really bugs me, is this beef between these rappers. With the multimillion dollars they're making. Why are they still killing each other over turf? A Houston rapper"Big Hawk" was killed a few days ago. I found it interesting that this latest movement, is driven by someone who is no longer living. DJ Screw died of a overdose of drugs. Why would you follow him? These young rappers are dying of stupidity. And with all of them being at the top of the game right now. You would think they would be content. It was only a few years ago, people weren't feeling Houston and Screw. It went from the West coast, to the East coast and that was all. I guess this is considered the dirty South. Rapper "T.I. the King of the South" is in trouble too. Regardless of what coast is reigning. It has always proven to be a tremendous waste of life. Nonetheless we know all about it, because there's no shortage of television cameras to bring it out. If the public doesn't see it, they still hear. If they don't use the paper or the t.v. cameras to catch our attention. They use the microphone.


  1. Anti-T,

    I hadn't seen III but I seen the other two. It's an ongoing fued. I saw the incident with Chingy and Nelly. I thought to myself, what a waste. Both of these young men are millionaires. Can't they find somewhere better to focus their attention.

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I saw that show too. It was kind of stupid.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Everybody that reads this blog should have responded to this. People are more fascinated with the mess,than they are cleaning it up.
