
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Am I Missing Something ?

I am worried about the people of Memphis. Many of the citizens have completely abandoned logical thinking. I always say there are grown people, that have the mind of children. They need someone to think for them. The problem is they are over twenty-one. Legally they are full grown. Society allows them certain inalienable rights. Several things have happened lately, that highlight this mentality. I won't talk about everything that has happened recently, it would take all day long. It seems to be contagious and widespread though. It's happening all over the country. Not just here in Memphis. I expect some of the children, to do some of the things they're doing. I'm not surprised at their behavior. They don't have any examples to follow. Foolishness abounds in the heart of a child. Adults are supposed to correct them. I'm going to talk about some local hot issues, notice what they have in common. I think people are often victims, of their own freedoms.They just don't know it yet.

I heard someone say Roscoe Dixon's latest legal troubles were initiated by God. It is true that God allowed it to happen. But taking bribes under the table, are not represenative of God. I don't see how this could be construed as being racist either. The city is mostly Black. Two of the people convicted also happened to be white. It only stands to reason, that the majority of politicians in the Memphis area are Black also. They weren't singled out, because of their color. They were just easy targets. They were on the take. Nobody forced them to take the money. I don't think they should do jail time though, that would only cost the taxpayer. I think they should be fined, and banned from public service. They shouldn't be allowed to profit off the people. Not in the capacity of an elected official. When you hear people calling this a message from God, or racial discrimination. You know we can't trust many of the adults, to make a good decision. Depending on the make-up of the jury, he might get off.

Two young girls were fondled and raped, earlier this week. One of them was sixteen, the other one was thirteen. The man guilty of the crime was twenty-four. This is a simple case, right. He is guilty of statutory rape. Not so fast though, there's more. The girls waited until 12 midnight, then they opened the window and let him in the house. They watched a movie together, then he raped them. I have a question. Where was one girl, while he raped the other? They didn't tell anyone until the next day, what had happened. One more thing, I think is very important. The thirteen year old had been talking to the man, over a year via computer. I know men shouldn't be sleeping with young girls, under any circumstance. But let's be realistic here. If it wasn't for the law. Age would only be a number. Is this really rape though? Or is it "Young Girls Gone Wild"? We give the girls a scolding if that, and label the man a pedophile for life. Everybody wants to hang him for his actions. Where is the accountability for being a young lady? Society needs to put them in check. There are too many older people, not willing to deal with that. They want the law to do their job.

What is the common thread in these two stories? When I was growing up, and I did something and got caught. If I brought up what someone else had done, as a defense. My mother would always ask "If someone else jumped off the side of a building. Would you do that too"? In situations like this. I always remember that question. These people weren't victims. They put themselves in the line of fire. Why is it when someone gets caught, we want to make them a victim? In my opinion an ounce of prevention. Is worth a pound of cure. If we didn't do certain things to begin with, there wouldn't be a need to straighten it out. We always want to blame somebody else. That's what I see. Am I missing something?


  1. true you stated the facts. I want to know where were the parents? I understand people work different schedules or whatever. But they opened the window--why is it that he didn't come through the door? The simple truth is that these young women need to be taught something about the care of one's self. It's just not smart to do things like this. Women are going to have to start teaching their daughters something more valuable than gossip, hair and makeup.

  2. Chosen,

    Thanks for responding. I was intrigued with that post, about being single you wrote. I see one of the readers touched on it.

    The parent was asleep. I have only heard about one parent so far, a mother. I'm assuming it's a single parent family, but I don't know. The problem is this 13yr. old, had been talking to this guy. In a computer chatroom for over a year. That's why I felt what you said was so important. That's where it really starts.

  3. Anonymous7:33 PM

    The girls were part of a group. This isn't the first time they did this. This time they just got caught.

  4. The girls actions were wrong.

    If he did not know the girls true age while on the interenet and believed whatever age they told him. It is hard for me to believe he did not realize they were underage when he was let into the house and had the opportunity to see and talk to them in person...they were kids.

    He should have left the moment he realized they were underage.

  5. Marty,

    I heard that too. I was wondering how the parents found out. Some other parents heard them bragging on the phone.

  6. Blinders-Off,

    He knew how old they were.

  7. Common:

    Since he knew they were under age...he also knew it was against the law to have sex with them. Therefore, he should get what is coming to him.

    I have no sympathy for men who have sex with under age girls.

  8. Blinders-Off,

    I know what you mean. You evidently feel like the majority. If it were left up to me. I would place the blame where it belongs. It's six in one hand, a half dozen in the other. All young girls aren't children. A lot of these girls, need to be emancipated. The only thing is, they aren't eighteen.
