
Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sam, Samantha And Steven

At best I would consider this an experiment gone bad. This story is about two men and a woman. That now includes two innocent children. I know there are those that would say. "With the number of Orphans we have, as long as they're decent people. Let them raise children". That's just the thing. The lifestyle they lead isn't decent. Like it or not, it's a sexual deviation. The issue they tried to circumvent is proof. Homosexual unions can't procreate. There is no such thing as little gay produced children. Without the help of the heterosexual population, the homosexuals would disappear. This story is about a controversial union between three people. Just the thought of three people sharing a bed, wouldn't set well with most people. I know I wouldn't approve. Most people consider it kinky behavior. Some people say this was just an excuse for a threesome.

It's only fair that we first acknowledge this union is over. After two children and ten years later. The arrangement has reached it's end. It is obvious that the two men are homosexual. They were originally a couple. The female was added later. I don't know what you would call the woman. I know in the beginning, I would've called her gullible. She was only twenty-one yrs. old at the start. What initially sounded like a good idea. Has turned out not to work. Steven has left, for another partner. Sam and Samantha now have a platonic relationship. They maintain a relationship, for the sake of the children. Obviously he hasn't abandoned his sexual preference. He still wants to be with men. Most people living this way, are unstable themselves. They change partners like they change clothes. That is up to the individual, we have freewill. I don't look in your bedroom window, to see who you're having sex with. I don't want to foot the bill for it either. We shouldn't give them special priviledges, because of their sexuality. When you look at the bigger picture. This whole thing is in regards, to homosexual adoption. In order for the homosexual population to survive. Someone has to do it naturally, at least once.

Look at the link below:


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    That's a sick situation.

  2. Interesting arrangement should have been worked out before a child was brought into the equation.

  3. Anonymous 12:13,

    I think so too.

  4. Hey Blindes-Off,

    I was thinking about you. How are you doing? I think that was the reason for the arrangement. They wanted to have children. Obviously they didn't consider everything.

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    True...the situation between those three people was a mess. I do believe it is not a good choice for a homosexual couple to raise children. However, I disagree with the statment that because a person is gay that they are unstable. Come on, heterosexuals can't keep partners either (divorce, adultery, fornication, etc., as well as employment. All the citizens who work in the U.S. have to pay money on something we don't approve of (i.e., for example, the war in Iraq). Also, concerning privilages and rights based upon sexual orientation...when people in our country of the United States (no matter the sexual preferance, age, religious preferance, or race) feel attacked because of how their lives are lived and for who they are -- there is a violation of civil right. Every living human being deserves the right to have good career opportunities, a peaceful life without violence and discrimination, and love (which should be acceptable to the individual).

  6. Anonymous 11:20

    Your point is valid, but we do not live in a perfect world. It would be great if individuals leave the judgement of others to the one who will judge each and every last one of us when we meet death.

  7. Common:

    I am good. Chemo Friday :( had me down...I did not make it to the blogger bash last Friday. The host is planning another one in August. I was catching up on the other Memphis bloggers and I notice you and T-Man are at it

  8. Anonymous 11:54,

    Some of us wouldn't pay a nickle, to see an Ant, eat a bale of hay. My point being we can't have a vote everytime, we need taxes pay for something. We would never pay for anything. The Constitution works.

  9. I remember a similar situation here in Memphis that involved a young woman that had a daughter and was married to one man while also living as a threesome with another man.

    People forget that one day the children will carry the "baggage" of their relationship choices. Often leaving behind them emotionally traumatized children that become emotionally traumatized adults.

  10. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Chosen I remember that story too. There are a lot of tramatized adults.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    And the people who are traumatizing the traumatized adults are not only their parents and is the hatred of the U.S. society--people who try to raise everybody else's family and run everybody else's life through personal opinions--and should be focused on their own lives.

  12. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anonymous 12:32,You can do what you want with your family. As long as it doesn't affect mine. They aren't willing to raise their own, they want the heterosexuals help. Are you gay?

  13. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Cordova Tn...

    Are you gay, Cordova Tn? You are so concerned about me...I am wondering about you now? Maybe you aren't gay...maybe you are a child molester (hot for young girls).

    I could careless about what you are or what you think of me...we have our own opinions.

    And You have no idea if I am white or black...this really makes me think you are gay...trying to find out information on me.?????
