
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Cookie Jar Complex

When you look at all the corruption, and lying our Black politicians are doing lately. It makes you wonder. Is there something in the water? These people actually expect the Black community, to come to their defense. Much to my dismay, many times they get their wishes. I find it strange that the community, only takes a stand depending on the guilty party. All of the people pictured above, have one thing in Common. They were caught on tape, with the exception of Bill Campbell. They didn't have the ex-mayor on tape, but they have the next best thing. They had an eyewitness, to the crime. They had the bagman. William Jefferson hasn't been to trial yet, but they alledgedly have him on tape as well. What exactly must Black leaders do, to be considered guilty. This doesn't just apply to politics. It applies to crimes of non-restitution too. I mean those crimes, that can't be corrected. Like when someone is raped or murdered. Below are some of the stories on my blog.

I have only been writing this blog about six months. One of my earliest blogs, was about corruption in politics. I don't pick and choose. I'm an equal opportunity basher. I talk about whatever I think is wrong. Regardless of the race of the perpetuator. Many people weren't concerned with the charges against Bill Campbell. They wanted to use his indiscretion, against somebody else. Once they discovered it didn't implicate Memphis Mayor Herenton. Suddenly the infractions didn't matter so much. I know he wasn't convicted. But when everybody around you goes to jail, except you. It's safe to say you worked out a deal. That's not the same as being innocent. Talk about selective morals. This is a prime example. Read the link below:

Then we have the fiasco with Rep. Cynthia Mckinney D-Ga., with the Congressional police. She ended up apologizing, and never offered proof of her accusations. She was later caught on tape. Making some off-color comments, about one of her aides. If you want an example of time and energy wasted. Take a look at this. We have much more important things, the spotlight could be used for. I wrote this about her.

Then we have Roscoe Dixon. Honestly I didn't know who he really was, before he got in trouble. I mean, I knew he was a Democratic insider. These days that's not saying very much. Thanks to the Tennessee waltz, and other investigations. But I wasn't aware of his supposed constituent service. That we're hearing about all of a sudden. After twenty-two years, he should've done something. I'm not surprised at some of the voters though. They would, and have elected a crackhead before. There is just to much empathy in the community. To get a objective and informed opinion. Other than those people who have an agenda. Hoping it will create an opening for them. Not that that's a bad thing. Unless they just offer more of the same. The same game, just different players. Does anyone else have a problem with this? Read what I said about Roscoe's plight:

Now we have Rep. William Jefferson D-LA., caught up in a bribery scandal. The lawyers aren't relying on a preponderance of evidence anymore. As the law requires. Obviously for some jurors, that isn't enough. I think we're reaching a point in time . Where jurors need to be tested. I know that opens a whole new can of worms. They're going to court with videotapes. To get around this attitude and lack of understanding. Sometimes even that doesn't work. The interesting thing about this case. Unlike with Ms. Mckinney, they're speaking out. They've brought out the When I say they, I mean the CBC. These people are supposed to be the elite. When they champion causes like this. No wonder the general population, act the way they do. I haven't written about Rep. Jefferson yet, but here's an update:

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure there will be more to come. Aside from that we already know about. You can't be caught, if you aren't doing anything.


  1. Regardless of a politician race. The recent trials and verdicts of the people way of letting the politicians know they are tired of the corruption in politics.

    I bet a silver dime politicians who have been doing under the table deals are having a lot of sleepless nights.

  2. Blinders-Off,

    There is a lot of people lacking sleep then. In both parties, Black and White.

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM


    epfs n ? ro 06
