
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Crack Cocaine VS. Crystal Meth

The two are very different drugs, with somewhat of the same affects. They are both a strain on the community. One just more-so than the other. For those that have been victimized, by the affects of Crack Cocaine. You probably thought, nothing could possibly be worse than that. Then we were introduced to Crystal Methamphetamine (Crank). I think it gives a whole new face, to drug related crime. It has the same affect on everybody. I think Crack messed up anybody's life, who used the drug. Contrary to some peoples opinion. It wasn't a color specific plague. It just affected the Black community disproportionately. To combat the crack addict, it was mainly just avoiding them. You knew you couldn't lay anything around them. They would steal anything not nailed down. But it's not like we didn't know that. They really hurt themselves more than anyone else. When you look at the families, finances and futures ruined. Who did it really hurt? There's not many old Crackheads around. They're either dead or in jail.

What makes Crystal Meth worse is, they do bother more than themselves. They pose immediate danger to everyone around them. They will do anything when they get high. Unlike the Crack addict, who spends all their time. Trying to get another hit. The person on Crystal Meth, is out of their mind long enough. To do considerable damage, before the next binge. Not to mention that the drug is cheaper. With Meth comes Meth labs. Which adds even another problem. The environmental factor. Your next door neighbor could have a lab in their house. It could blow-up, and get you too. I heard something yesterday that I didn't know. There seems to be a connection to diet pills.That would explain how rapidly it's spreading. The main ingredient in diet pills, is the same major component of Crystal Meth. I was wondering how some of these people ended up using Meth. When I heard this, that filled in the blanks. Surely people aren't using this stuff, trying to lose weight. The problem is, if you try it one time. That might be enough to get you hooked. This drug is crossing all lines. It doesn't matter age, gender or sex. It is an equal opportunity destroyer.

Both of these drugs are equally destructive. If I could I would eliminate them both. Since we don't have that choice. We have to deal with the hand we've been dealt. Now you can't get certain medicines without identification. Somebody said since we limit those drugs. Why don't we limit Baking Powder, since it's needed to make Crack? One key thing they forgot. People aren't buying Baking soda in large amounts. I haven't heard of anyone, finding lots of empty Baking Powder boxes. They both are bad things,without a doubt. I think Crystal Meth, is the worse of the two. What about you?


  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I think crystal is going to get more attention, simply because it affects the whites.

  2. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Being a previous meth addict. Honestly I stayed home cleaned did my school work. Now my ex, was a crazy crooked lying stealing no good piece. He was the definition of a methhead. I stopped and moved on with my life and he didn't like that and threatened to kill me. Addicts, dealers, and users are trouble. I don't care if its crack or meth....neither one is good.

  3. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Ex used crack it was bad but admitted to use, yes lied and disappeared for days but always begged me for forgiveness and manage to have feelings for me, family and friends, went to church, cooked but then CRYSTAL came along!!! I don't even recognize him anymore!! He became a porn addict, lier, zero feelings, not for me or his family, no more normal friends, at all! 。 All his friends are crystal meth heads like himself!!! 。 He is either smoking meth or watching porn or getting involved with prostitutes who smoke meth like him!! For a year now he switched his normal friends and family, including me!!who was the love of his life for meth!! This is by FAR the worst drug !!! It has totally numed his feelings!! The sad thing is that he feels a sence of confidence, of well being!!! He feels a sence grandiosity !! And it's all fake!! He feels like if now he has gain more then before!! The,sad thing is that everything he feels it's a LIE!! He is too blind and hooked on crystal to notice everything that he has lost!! Good friends, faith, energy for lack of sleep, appetite, looks, health, motivation to dress nice, motivation to clean the house, motivatin to take a shower, motivation to see me!!! All of that motivation left thanks to crystal meth!!! Now that never happened when he was on crack!! It was terrible too, but this crystal meth is by fat the worst !! He doesn't look or think normal at all!!!! I am sure that even hallucinates with crystal meth!!! This drug completely kills any feelings you have left!

  4. Anonymous1:00 AM

    "It's like the egg and the chicken.They both serve a purpose. One produces the other one.But which one came first?"

    If you are a Christian, then you should know the answer to this question.

  5. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Do you actually know anyone who's done meth?


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