
Thursday, June 29, 2006

No Thanks, No Volunteers Needed

I find it interesting that the general population, doesn't want to take these guys serious. I don't see why not. I think they represent the mindset, of people all over this country. You can go to any predominately Black area in any city. And hear the exact if not similar statements. Find your local chapter of the N.O.I., or NAACP. I bet you'll hear more of the same. Maybe not to the point of blowing up buildings. But adding fuel to the fire, just the same. They have what I call a seditious attitude. These seven homegrown terrorist in Liberty City, just happen to have joined forces. They call themselves the "Sons of David" a religious group. They've also been given the title of "home-grown terrorist". If that's what you want to call them. I don't give them that much credit.In my opinion they're nothing more than gangmembers. Lacking the members and organization, to make a serious assault. I believe they would if given the chance. They didn't have the weapons necessary, to carry out any serious threats. All they had to offer Al-Qaida, was a willing mind and a strong back. Which obviously wasn't enough.

Talk about the brush-off, This has to qualify for one of the worst. No one is standing in line, to be a terrorist these days. Especially here in these great United States. Everyone wants to come over here. One of those accused, wasn't even supposed to be here. He was an illegal alien from Haiti. To make matters even worse. Another terrorist snitched. I don't think they heard about, the "stop snitching" campaign. Thank God they didn't. At least they didn't believe the hype. That silliness only resonates, in the Black community. I have noticed a disturbing trend forming lately. Blacks seem to be on a awful lot of bandwagons these days. It started with the Gays then the Hispanics. Please don't misunderstand. I'm not comparing the two, they're totally different issues. They both just happen to be good examples. Now we've sided with the Al-Qaida. What could be next I wonder? How low will we go? Blacks better be careful what they co-sign. Suppose this madness catches on with the masses. Do you think the extremist will stop at Blacks? We only make up twelve percent of the population. You better be careful what you ask for. You just might get a surprise. America is the big dog, in the world today. For all those who wish to see her topple. I have this question. What happens when you get the German Shepard out? And replace him with a Doberman Pinscher? Read the links below. To see what the media said.


  1. There are more dangerous groups in America, than this newly formed one. Like Arsenio Hall used to say "makes you go hmmmmm".

  2. Blinders-Off,

    You are absolutely right about that. These guys were more of a threat to other innocent victims.Than they were to America.Unfortunately ignorance can't be confined, to just those who suffer from the sickness. The rest of us have to live with them. Any Black man in America that sides with the Al-Qeda, needs to be in jail. In my opinion we need to do more of this. We need to start charging imbeciles with sedition.

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    There may be more dangerous groups but they didn't get caught.I'm just glad they caught these fools. When a daycare gets blown up.To prove something to the man.I guess we'll take them serious then.I feel you Common.
