
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Like Father, Like Son

Michael Hooks Jr. former (Chairman of the Memphis City School Board), was indicted earlier today on four counts of extortion. His father Michael Hooks Sr. (County Commissioner) was one of the first people indicted, in the Tennessee Waltz. He'll be going to trial soon. Most people think he's guilty. I don't want to throw the towel in, on these people. Without giving them the benefit of the doubt. But they have a history of taking things that don't belong to them. The father is addicted to crack cocaine, at least he was in the past. You know what they say. Once a person has that problem, they'll do anything. Especially to get more of the product. Remember the Rolex scandal? Michael jr. bought several of them. He weasled his way out of that. At least he didn't do any time. He knew they came from somewhere, they weren't supposed to have. He knew somebody stole them. I'm not surprised juniors involved. Like father,like son.

Click on the link below, tell me what you think.


  1. Anonymous12:00 AM

    good post common....definately!!! see what happened when they let jr off for the stolen watches. after that he thought he was untouchable. it just goes to show that, crime doesnt pay. it pays, but not enough to risk your political career over. all of them are some silly fools. every last one of em. if they said that he lied, on may first of this year. they must have him on tape too. i can see he did no tlearn from roscoes example. if they got him on tape, he should be banned for life, to never be allowed to serve in public office again. it really is so very pathetic. he is suppose to be the new generation, and he done showed out, he is a crook just like his dad.

  2. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I expected this. The only one left in the family is Janet.

  3. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Hi common,

    Memphis politics has to be the most jawdropping I've ever seen, if nothing else!

    I like the way you called Thadd out.

    By the way, I write a lot of poetry. If you ever need a little inspiration feel free to drop by my blog.

    Have a great day!

  4. Anonymous7:57 AM

    And your posts are certainly better articulated than Thadd's.

  5. Anonymous8:47 AM

    It's easy to point fingers at both of the Michaels' however, I find it rather disconcerting that a few weeks before the election that all of these indictments, against perceived Democrats, are now coming down.

    Say it's me, but there certainly is a conspiracy here. Shep is running for the office he once held at juvenile court, and now this indictment against Mick. Doesn't it appear to be a bit odd. I'm not, and never will excuse anyone of wrongdoing, but this entire system is full of corrupt, deceitful individuals who won't stop at nothing to bring people down.

    White career politicians, from the judicial brancy of government, to the legislative branch of government and even the executive branch of government have for years, played the game of greed, but now too many blacks are doing the same and they, with the power, want to pull the rug out from under them

    I don't condone wrongdoing of any kind, however, you must first look at the individual behind it all and ask, why did Tim Willis do it? Why did he bring in friends just to bring them down.

    Both Michaels are my relatives and I grieve for them both, but will stand with them, right or wrong.

  6. It did not surprise me, Michael Hooks Jr. was going to be indicted.

  7. Fullilove:

    I understand you supporting your family. Because let us all be real when a family member is caught up in something wrong, your love for them do not change.

    I disagree with the conspiracy, it has the appearance of a conspiracy, but the facts are what they are. When law enforcement have to go after corrupt politicians, they use a friend or family member who were caught in wrong doing to put the bait out for elected officials. Memphis politicians are predominately black. Barry Myers arrogantly proposed to leave out and I quote "the white boys". In addition, Tim Willis did what was best for him because he was caught in his wrongdoing and made a deal to become an informant for the FBI because of the corruption in Memphis and Shelby County politics. When politicians, political players, and powerbrokers start telling on each other all hell breaks out, I believe this is just the beginning.

    Both Michaels have a right to go to trial, but if they know without a doubt, they were wrong it would be best; they plead out and not go thru the humiliation Roscoe Dixon put himself thru. Personally, many more and I believe the FBI should investigate past corruption on politicians and powerbrokers who think they have escaped the law because they are out of office…like the Fed EX Forum controversy. It smelled of corruption from the beginning. Nonetheless, I wish you and your family the best.

  8. Ladybug,

    I'm sure he'll pay dearly for his indiscretions, like everybody else. Everybody except, maybe John Ford. I think this is more an indictment of the Shelby county voter, than the Hooks. The father has held several public offices.

  9. Arthur D,

    I don't think she's involved. I could be wrong though. She did get a new job.

  10. Hello Jayla,

    Long time no hear. How are you doing? We only seem to be getting recognized for bad things these days.I'll check out your blog.

  11. Jayla,

    It's not like I didn't already know. Thanks for the compliment though.

  12. Janis,

    I know you're dedicated to your family folks. That's commendable, on your part. You already said, " you would be with them regardless". So we already know, where you're coming from. But they're not mine. So I don't agree with you. I just call them, like I see them. I feel like we'll be having this discussion again. I'm waiting for your friends day to come. I won't call their name. You know who I'm talking about. I'll wait until it happens and then I'll remind you. None of this is surprising to me, it's the first of many more. I told you what office you should run for. I hate to say. The Hooks are crooks.

  13. Anonymous9:44 PM

    this whole tn waltz is about getting john ford. at least i think so anyway. maybe even so that harlold ford jr wont win. these other folk got caught in the mix. all because of willis, setting them up.

  14. Ladybug,

    I think the waltz is about catching corruption. John Ford just happened to be one of the players. By the time they get to him. Most of the Black politicians will already be convicted.

  15. Ladybug,

    Remember I said it first. John Ford won't get the time you think he will. Everbody else is providing padding. By the time they get to him, the steam will have worn off.

  16. Anonymous3:43 PM

    John is a powerful man,and he has money. He's like Nino Brown in "New Jack City".

  17. Cordova TN and Ladybug,

    You both have a point. Nino Brown was eventually killed. But look at all the people that went down before him. G-Money, Gutterman and Keisha all died. Kareem Akbarr went to jail. He was a certified accountant.Is every Black Democrat in the city, going to be destroyed? Just to get John Ford?

  18. Ladybug,

    We'll see what the ends going to be here. You have maintained from the beginning, it was about John Ford. If you are right. I'll be the first to say you were.I think he's just another one, to bite the dust. The damage to the community, is already done. He'll be just another. Good time that came to an end.
