
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Was This One Of The Seven Indictments ?

It was announced earlier today. That seven indictments were handed down, in regards to voter fraud. In the highly controversial District-29 State Senate race. For the seat vacated by John Ford sr., and won by his sister Ophelia Ford. In a special election, held in November. I think a lot of people will be sacrificed, for the sake of the voting process. Voter apathy is at an all time high. As if it wasn't bad enough already. People already didn't think their vote counted. Now to a degree, they might have a point. With people voting where they choose to,no matter where they live. The addresses have ranged from nursing homes to cemeteries. Seems like everyone voted, in this election. Not only did they vote they ran.

Which brings me to my question. The person pictured is guilty on both counts. Not only has he voted out of his district, for the last forty years. He has ran for political office several times. Including the race in question. He was among several candidates in the primary. Though he only got a minimal number of votes. His campaign played a significant role.The race was won by only thirteen votes initially. After he didn't get the Democratic nomination. He gave his support to Prince Mongo. Whose votes could have determined the race either way. Talk about sour grapes. That's what that seems like. Obviously he doesn't think the law applies to him. Being a former law enforcement officer, as well as a pastor. I don't think they can use ignorance of the law, as an excuse. He must not be expecting any repercussions. He is running for a seat right now. Unless he was one of the seven indictments handed down. What do you think?


  1. Common:

    Jennings Bernard and another citizen publicly stated on Channel 3 news, they have been voting in their former district for years. It is public knowledge that is illegal. To answer your question, YES both men should be included. It is also too late for the two sisters to claim they did not think they did anything wrong. Therefore, their names should be included. I hope that they will save the taxpayers money and plead out. That makes four, as for the other four indictments it will not surprise me if one or two will be hand to someone at the Election Commission and one to the man, I cannot think of his name now, who work for the Fords and he is also a judge. Voter fraud has been going on thru out this country for a long time. It is about time the authorities enforce the law to help end it. I do not have time to finish what I have to say, but I will come back in link a story to you about what people should really be concerned about. The Voters Right Bill discussion-taking place in Washington as we speak.

  2. Common:

    Here are a couple of links about the discussion in Washington on the Voters Right Act Bill.


    I have already wrote the TN legislatures in Washington how I want them to vote on the issue. More of us need to do that.

  3. Hmmm what is wrong with the picture of the six people indicted in the voters’ fraud?

    I find it hard to believe the three poll workers and the three convicted felons who voted are the only guilty ones. Ophelia has been exonerated and I do not honestly believe she initiated the fraud, but someone did. The person who I mentioned in my first post who works for the Fords is also an EC judge I strongly believe he initiated the fraud. He was the one who was to verify the closing tally voting receipt initials and he has been around for a long time. It is not a stretch to believe his loyalty to the Fords to insure a win would cause him to taint the election. Where is his name in this indictment? Where are Jennings Bernard and the other man who publicly stated they have been voting in the same district for over 20 years because they felt connected to that district?

    I have to question Bill Gibbons only going after the people who were on the bottom to the totem pole in this whole fiasco.

  4. Anonymous10:14 PM

    bill and his wife julia are a hit squad. she got appointed to the six circiut back about 4 years ago. and that is what he has his eyes on. this is all about john ford and gibbons getting a big case to prosecute.

  5. Blinders-Off,

    I haven't had a chance to see, who all was indicted. If they don't get him now, they'll probably get him later. It's just not convenient right now. He probably hadn't had much rest lately.

  6. Blinders-Off,

    I just think they're letting them sweat. Terry Roland initiated the fraud. Him or somebody in his camp. This isn't the end of this.

  7. Common:

    Are you saying Terry had something to do with the fraud? or He initiated and force the authorities to investigate the fraud. I believe it is the later unless there is something factual stating otherwise. I applaud him for standing up against the EC and forcing the enforcer of the laws to do their jobs.

  8. Ladybug:

    I am not familiar with who Bill's wife is, like I said before, the longer you live somewhere if you are not from the area. It doesn't take long for new residents to see when career politicians been around to long and it is time to give other citizens a chance to put trust back into the political process. I strongly believe there are people who are going to start coming up to the plate and change the political scene in Memphis, Shelby county and the surrounding communities. It is time very honest government.

  9. Anonymous7:11 AM


    Can you help me out? I've been trying to figure out what is that picture of that is beside your name.

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I think I've been officially banned from Thad's blog, also. He didn't post my comment yesterday. Believe me, I could care less though.

  11. Jayla,

    Go to this site, it will explain.

  12. Jayla,

    You probably said something that made sense. Or asked a question that he can't answer.

  13. Jayla,

    I seen that out of context statement comment he made, on your blog. He is supposed to be a minister. I think he has gone over the edge.

  14. Who is that other indictment for? I thought there were seven not six. A lot of people aren't getting much sleep.

  15. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I tuned in today, he was still on the air. Production was poor as usual. After fifteen minutes, of his own commercials. He finally came on the air. With his realtalk dialouge, as he says.

  16. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I think those indicted were scapegoats.There will be some more.

  17. I don't listen to that crap anymore. He should change the name to the "Segregation Show". The last time I listened. It was still the same. I issued a challenge he still hadn't passed. Read the story below:

  18. Anonymous5:47 PM

    He was still on today. As far as I know he still hadn't met your challenge.

  19. Cordova TN,

    He won't either, that's ninety percent of his conversation.

  20. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I think they are trying to take him off the air. He didn't finish one sentence on his show today.
