
Thursday, June 22, 2006

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

It would seem to me, they wouldn't be very happy. Not to the point of singing anyway. The reason is plain and simple though. To do less time in the cage. You know how you pull a string, and it keeps on going. The FBI is just following a loose thread. Before this is over, the whole thing will unravel. That is the horizon, of local politics. Think about all the loose ends, in Memphis politics. The FBI will probably be auditioning singers for a while. I see groups being formed, and some being broken already. This isn't going to be tough, like infiltrating the Mafia. I think they'll find many of these guys. Willing to tell, on each other. The majority of them have never been to jail. They don't want to start now.

Take a look at some of the cases already settled. Or at least we haven't heard the disposition. You might be seeing them again, in the very near future. Remember Calvin Williams the administrative assistant, making over $100,000 a year. What happened to his book? The supposed tell-all book,about Shelby County politics. Shep Wilbun won his case in court. That doesn't mean he didn't do anything. He just wasn't convicted. Look at the defendants, who are already free. Also look at the questionable verdicts, handed down lately. At least those we know about.That's just not by coincidence. I think we'll see the reasons shortly. Let's see how many, ride or die folks we have? You'll see we don't have many. Not many are willing, to take one for the team. I will be interested to see. What those who were so hard against Tim Willis, have to say about this? Once your friends start falling like dominoes. Will you feel the same? Will the others get a pass, because someone else did it first? I think I know why, the caged bird sings. To stay out of the cage.


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    You are in rare form today. At least for me. I hadn't read in a couple of days. I agree about the singing. No one knows what goes on, behind closed doors. It's stuff like this that makes me look at them cross-eyed. I read the post on the other forty-seven percent. It was so good. I didn't want to add anything. If he does come back. It will be a long time.

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Ladybug at least you're being honest. Not just you, most people would.Look what happened to Little Kim.

  3. I got one of those stupid comments.I think this is an imposter. Even though he's a low-life. Even he isn't that dense. I don't post profanity. Everybody knows that. It's a weak move by whoever it is, to avoid being exposed.

  4. Or to make Thaddeus look worse than he already does. If that's possible.

  5. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I always heard the only perfect crime, was the one you did by yourself.If two people know what happened that's one too many.

  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I always heard the only perfect crime, was the one you did by yourself.If two people know what happened that's one too many.

  7. Anonymous5:29 PM

    That would be pretty hard to do, I would think.

  8. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Paul if there were a perfect crime, that would be the one.
