
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Old Men Need Love Too

County Commissioner Cleo Kirk, was accused of sexual harassment. I don't want to wear it out, but again I'm not surprised.I don't think the county should be sued, and have to pay a huge settlement. Which is how these things, usually end up anyway. It's safe to say that Cleo Kirks political career. Will come to and end in 45 days. I think he might be guilty to a degree. But not totally. Let me explain what I mean by that. If he did this, it didn't just happen last week. The incidents supposedly took place, in April and May. The accuser has been on staff, for twelve years. He just paid attention to her? I think if there was a problem, it started way before then. I think he was an easy target. People are more likely to believe her, as opposed to her blaming one of the other men. I would like to hear, what Marilyn Loeffel says. Year before last we paid a lawsuit, to an officer who was handcuffed as a joke. What kind of relationship did they have? Where someone had the chance to put them in handcuffs. What were they doing? This undermines the cases where the worker has been on the job twenty-five years, and never gets promoted. Because his racist boss has been there twenty-eight. Chances are the supervisor won't get caught, in a compromising position. If the victim doesn't have big breasts, or a pretty face.

What bothers me, is when people that probably shouldn't have the job anyway. I'm not saying that's the case here. They may be highly qualified. Far to often that's not the case. Plaintiffs end up with the spoils, at someone else's expense. I have seen women win harassment cases, for jobs they shouldn't have. If you have had an improper relationship with one of your bosses. It's not the publics problem to straighten it out, after the fact. I don't know all the details yet. But based on what I've heard, I think I'm right. I think this is all about timing. They might be trying to hit, while the iron is hot. They might know something we don't know. Between term limits and the Tennessee Waltz. A Memphis politician isn't worth much these days. If this is true? Old men need love too, at least they think they do.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    He did it, I can see it in his face. Take it from a woman. We can tell. Just watch what I tell you.

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I have a satire up about Bush, if anyone would like to read.

    Have a superb day!

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    He hasn't tried to go after that bitch. She's not even that good looking. She just knew somebody would believe her.Just like in Rosewood.

  4. Anonymous3:08 PM

    People not talking about the President much since they found WMD's.

  5. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Paul I'm with you. If he was going to get in trouble. It wouldn't have been her.

  6. I know who you are, and I know what you're doing. Why are you over here, talking about him? The opinion of him over here,is already formed.Most of these posters, already think he's no good. Why don't you go on some of the sites who support him? You're just trying to bring him attention.If you don't have anything to say about his post.We're not interested.

  7. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Oh yea, by the way, how are you adjusting to your Ostomy pouch for your piss.

  8. L.F.,

    I'm talking to you. A hoochie and a homosexual. You don't know me, but I know you.

  9. You seem to be fixated on urine. Wrong blog. We're not interested in your perverted sexual practices. Your husband must be elsewhere. Are you lonesome tonight?

  10. Anonymous11:01 PM

    So what if you know my damn initials. You don't know me! But I sure in the hell know your foolish azz. I bet I know your wife better than you think I do. The jokes on your funky azz.

    No sweetie I'm never lonesome. My husband is always with me unlike you with your wife.

  11. L.F.,

    You don't know me, and you surely don't know my wife. If you do that would explain why you're hiding. Call her name. You wouldn't know either of us, you're a lying pervert. You just got back on the internet. I'm sure you want it to stay that way. Mind your own business. Why weren't you at church anyway? Not only are you lonely. You are illegal, and the other 52% of us plan to keep it that way. This isn't you though. But they're reading. This is someone picking. Trying to find out, what I'm talking about. Since you're not, follow that idiot Ladybug. She said she was leaving, and wouldn't be back. Since you two are equally ignorant. You should follow suit. You two will get along fine. You continue using profanity, though they have no effect. That's because you know. That will get your post deleted. You don't want others to see, this tongue lashing you're getting.

  12. Anonymous6:02 PM


  13. Grim Reaper,

    Hello, what part of Chicago are you from?

  14. Cordova TN,

    I heard the accusers job, was in question. She made her claim at a convenient time.
